
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-21 15:17:53

1. As far as I'm concerned, ... (就我来说...)

例句:As far as I'm concerned, learning a new language is a challenging but rewarding experience. (就我来说,学习一门新语言是一项具有挑战性但值得的经历。)

2. It goes without saying that... (不言而喻...)

例句:It goes without saying that a healthy lifestyle is essential for our well-being. (不言而喻的是,健康的生活方式对我们的健康至关重要。)

3. In other words, ... (换句话说...)

例句:In other words, the government needs to invest more in education to ensure a brighter future for the next generation. (换句话说,政府需要更多地投资于教育,以确保下一代更加美好的未来。)

4. It is widely believed that... (普遍相信...)

例句:It is widely believed that regular exercise can improve our physical and mental health. (普遍相信的是,定期锻炼可以改善我们的身体和心理健康。)

5. It is commonly known that... (众所周知...)

例句:It is commonly known that smoking is harmful to our health. (众所周知的是,吸烟对我们的健康有害。)

6. There is no doubt that... (毫无疑问...)

例句:There is no doubt that technology has transformed the way we live and work. (毫无疑问的是,科技已经改变了我们生活和工作的方式。)

7. It is worth mentioning that... (值得一提...)

例句:It is worth mentioning that volunteering can not only benefit others but also bring a sense of fulfillment to ourselves. (值得一提的是,志愿服务不仅可以造福他人,还可以给我们带来成就感。)

8. It should be noted that... (应该注意...)

例句:It should be noted that climate change is a global issue that requires collective action. (应该注意的是,气候变化是一个需要全球行动的问题。)

9. In conclusion, ... (总之...)

例句:In conclusion, we need to take action to protect the environment and preserve our planet for future generations. (总之,我们需要采取行动来保护环境,为子孙后代保存地球。)

10. All in all, ... (总的来说...)

例句:All in all, learning a foreign language can broaden our horizons and enhance our communication skills. (总的来说,学习一门外语可以拓宽我们的视野,提高我们的交际能力。)

11. To sum up, ... (总结起来...)

例句:To sum up, the key to success is hard work and perseverance. (总结起来,成功的关键是努力和毅力。)

12. It is not enough to... (仅仅...是不够的...)

例句:It is not enough to have a good education; we also need to have practical skills and experience to succeed in the real world. (仅仅拥有良好的教育是不够的,我们还需要在现实世界中拥有实践技能和经验才能成功。)

13. It is important to... (重要的是...)

例句:It is important to set goals and work towards achieving them in order to fulfill our potential. (重要的是设定目标并致力于实现它们,以充分发挥我们的潜力。)


14. It is crucial to... (至关重要的是...)

例句:It is crucial to take care of our mental health as well as our physical health. (至关重要的是,我们要照顾好我们的心理健康和身体健康。)

15. It is essential that... (必要的是...)

例句:It is essential that we take action to reduce our carbon footprint and combat climate change. (必要的是,我们要采取行动来减少我们的碳足迹并应对气候变化。)

16. It is critical that... (至关重要的是...)

例句:It is critical that we address the issue of income inequality in order to build a more just and equitable society. (至关重要的是,我们要解决收入不平等的问题,以建立一个更加公正和平等的社会。)


17. It is necessary to... (有必要...)

例句:It is necessary to invest in renewable energy sources to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. (有必要投资于可再生能源,以减少我们对化石燃料的依赖。)

18. It is advisable to... (建议...)

例句:It is advisable to seek professional help if you are struggling with mental health issues. (建议如果你在处理心理健康问题方面遇到困难,寻求专业帮助。)


19. It is recommended that... (建议...)

例句:It is recommended that we eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly to maintain good health. (建议我们保持均衡饮食和定期锻炼以保持健康。)

20. It is better to... (最好...)

例句:It is better to be safe than sorry, so always wear a helmet when riding a bike. (最好安全第一,所以骑自行车时一定要戴头盔。)

21. It is easier said than done... (说起来容易做起来难...)

例句:It is easier said than done to quit smoking, but it is worth the effort for your health. (戒烟说起来容易做起来难,但为了您的健康,这是值得努力的。)

22. It is a common misconception that... (常见的误解是...)

例句:It is a common misconception that all Asians look alike, when in fact there is a great deal of diversity among Asian people. (常见的误解是所有亚洲人看起来都一样,事实上亚洲人之间存在很大的多样性。)

23. There are pros and cons to... (...有好处和坏处...)

例句:There are pros and cons to social media; while it can connect us with others, it can also be a source of negativity and distraction. (社交媒体有好处和坏处;虽然它可以让我们与他人联系,但也可能成为负面和分心的来源。)

24. It is a double-edged sword... (是一把双刃剑...)

例句:The internet is a double-edged sword; while it provides us with easy access to information, it can also be a source of misinformation and online harassment. (互联网是一把双刃剑;虽然它为我们提供了方便的获取信息的途径,但也可能成为误导信息和在线*扰的来源。)

25. It is a complex issue that... (是一个复杂的问题...)

例句:Climate change is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted solution involving government policy, technological innovations, and individual action. (气候变化是一个复杂的问题,需要政府政策、技术创新和个人行动等多方面的解决方案。)




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