
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-05-08 15:37:09

1.—Hi,Tracy,you look tied.

—I’m tied. I ___ the living room all day.


B.had cleaned

C.have been cleaned

D.have cleaned

解析:嗨,翠茜,你看起来很累。我很累。我一整天都在打扫起居室。本题考查现在完成进行时。现在完成进行时表示从过去某时开始延续到现在的动作,可能刚刚停止,也可能继续进行,中文可翻译为“一直”做某事,与表示一段时间的时间状语连用,例如,for加一段时间,since, these days, recently, all the time, all day。本题由中文意思可知,我“一直”在打扫,并且有时间状语all day,因此可判断用现在完成进行时,选择C。

2.Since the time when humankind started gardening, we ___ to make our environment more beautiful.


B.have been trying

C.are trying

D.will try


3.—Tony, why are your eyes red?

—I ___ up peppers for the last five minutes.


B.have been cutting

C.is cutting

D.have cut

解析:托尼,为什么你的眼睛红了过去的五分钟里我一直都在剁灯笼椒。本题中,由时间状语for the last five minutes可知用完成时,由中文意思可知“一直”在剁辣椒,因此用现在完成进行时,选择B。

4. Now that she is out of a job, Lucy ___ going back to school, but she hasn't decided yet.

A.had considered

B.has been considering


D. is going to consider


5.—How are you today?

—Oh, I_____ as ill as I do now for a very long time.

A.didn’t feel

B.wasn't feeling

C.don't feel

D.haven't felt

解析:好长一段时间以来,我没有像今天这样难受了。”由中文意思可知“一直”难受,并且有表示“一段时间”的时间状语for a very long time,因此,应选择现在完成进行时,但是,有些动词不能用于现在完成进行时,只能用于现在完成时,例如表示感觉的动词 see,hear,feel,sound等,因此,本题只能用现在完成时表示持续一段时间的动作,选择D。

6.The crazy fans ______ patiently for two hours, and they would wait till the movie star arrived.

A.were waiting

B.had been waiting

C.had waited

D.would wait

解析:疯狂的影迷们已经耐心地等了两个小时,他们一直等到这位电影明星的到来。由中文意思可知,粉丝“一直”等待了两个小时,并且还在等,因此应用完成进行时,又因为and连接的并列句 “they would wait till the movie star arrived”是过去将来时,可知此事发生在过去,因此要用过去完成进行时had been doing,选择B。

7.—The window is dirty.

—I know. It ___ for weeks.

A. hasn't cleaned

B.didn't clean

C.hasn't been cleaned

D. wasn't cleaned

解析:窗户很脏。我知道。好几个星期没打扫了。由时间状语for weeks可知用现在完成时,主语it与动作clean之间为被动关系,所以谓语应用现在完成时的被动语态,主语it为单数,助动词用has,选择C。

8.The scientist ___ the experiment for half a year, but he ___ yet.

A.made ; didn't succeed

B. made; hasn't succeeded

C.was making ; didn't succeed

D.has been making;hasn't succeeded

解析:半年来那位科学家一直在做那个实验, 但他还没有成功。本题中,由时间状语for half a year可知用完成时,又由中文意思可知“一直”在做实验,因此,用现在完成进行时。yet与完成时连用。因此选择D。




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