
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-06-30 05:50:17


The world's largest hydropower station, the dam had generated over 1.35 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity by August, contributing to electricity supply in Central and East China and in Guangdong province.三峡电站是世界上总装机容量最大的水电站。截至2020年8月底,三峡电站累计发电量超过1.35万亿千瓦时,有力支持了华东、华中、广东等地区电力供应。


During dry seasons, discharges have been raised to more than 5,500 cubic meters per second, providing more than 20 billion cubic meters of water a year for the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.三峡水库每年枯水季节下泄流量提高到5500立方米每秒以上,为长江中下游补水200多亿立方米。

By the end of August, the reservoir had provided replenishment for 2,267 days, with a total water supply of 289.4 billion cubic meters, optimizing production, living conditions and the ecology of the river's middle and lower reaches, the review said.截至2020年8月底累计补水2267天,补水总量2894亿立方米,改善了中下游地区生产、生活和生态用水条件。


这里的replenishment表示“the act of filling something up again by replacing what has been used”,也就是“补给;重新补足”等意思,比如:product replenishment(补货),Bone marrow plays an important role in the constant replenishment of red blood cells.(骨髓在持续补充红细胞方面发挥重要作用)。


Electricity produced by the power station was equivalent to that from burning 430 million metric tons of standard coal, leading to a significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.至2020年8月底,三峡电站发出的优质清洁电力能源相当于节约标准煤4.30亿吨,节能减排效益显著。


The project has also significantly improved navigation conditions and bolstered shipping capacity and freight volume in the Yangtze, the review said. By August, some 1.48 billion tons of cargo had passed through the Three Gorges Dam, boosting development in the Yangtze's economic belt.三峡工程显著改善了川江航道通航条件,过闸货运量快速增长,截至2020年8月底,累计过闸货运量14.8亿吨,有力推动了长江经济带发展。


The production and living environments of the 1.31 million people who were relocated to make way for the Three Gorges project have been greatly improved, and infrastructure and public service facilities in the reservoir area have developed rapidly, it said.131万搬迁安置移民生产生活状况显著改善,库区基础设施、公共服务设施实现跨越式发展。

水库 water reservoir

水荒 water scarcity

南水北调工程 South-North Water Diversion Project

蓄水工程 water conservancy projects

防洪抗旱体系 flood control and drought relief systems

农田灌溉工程 farmland irrigation projects


英文来源:中国日报 新华网





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