On Tuesday, Alipay announced on social media platform Weibo that it has added beauty filters to its face-scanning system inside the app. Within a week, the feature will roll out across retail stores equipped with Alipay’s face-scanning solutions.7月2日,支付宝在微博上回应称,支付宝刷脸系统已加入美颜功能,一周内,全国门店的刷脸系统也会上线美颜功能。
Filter这个词可以用作动词或名词,基础的意思是“过滤;过滤器”,在智能手机和社交媒体领域则表示可以给照片额外添加各种效果和美化功能的“滤镜”,比如,cat filter(猫咪滤镜)、color correction filter(颜色修正滤镜)等。在搜索引擎中常用的“关键词过滤”则是keywords filter。
支付宝同时解释称,实际上机器识别的还是无美颜的容貌,美颜只是屏幕展示效果而已(the beauty filters are for the screen display only),因此对识别准确度和安全性没有影响(accuracy and security of the recognition process won't be compromised)。
北京、上海、广州、郑州、太原、武汉、南昌、西安、长沙等地部分火车站已采用"刷脸"进站(face-scanning check-in)。这些车站的自动检票机(automatic fare-collection gate)上都安装了摄像头,旅客走近机器时,它会抓取旅客脸部信息(facial information),与身份证芯片里的照片进行比对,票证信息相符(ticket information conforms to ID card information)、人脸与证件照比对通过,闸机自动放行。通常3至6秒便能成功通行,解放了人力也方便了旅客。"刷脸"进站采用人脸识别技术(facial recognition technology),这是基于人的脸部特征(facial features)进行身份识别(identity recognition)的一种生物识别技术(biological recognition technology)。
良渚古城遗址 Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Committee inscribed China's Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City on the World Heritage List as a cultural site on Saturday, bringing the total number of World Heritage Sites in China to 55, the highest in the world.7月6日,联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会将中国世界文化遗产提名项目“良渚古城遗址”列入《世界遗产名录》。至此,中国世界遗产总数达到55处,位居世界第一。
Inscribe这个词的本意是“雕、刻”,刻上去的文字一般会保留很长时间,所以这个词也有“写入、记录”之意,即to write, engrave, or print as a lasting record或者to enter on a list,常用的搭配除了上文中的inscribe something on something (as...)以外,还有inscribe something with...,比如:They inscribed the monument with the soldiers' names.(他们把战士们的名字刻在纪念碑上。)
Located in the Yangtze River Basin on the south-eastern coast of the country, the archaeological ruins of Liangzhu (about 3300-2300 BCE) reveal an early regional state with a unified belief system based on rice cultivation in Late Neolithic China. The property is composed of four areas – the Area of Yaoshan Site, the Area of High-dam at the Mouth of the Valley, the Area of Low-dam on the Plain and the Area of City Site. These ruins are an outstanding example of early urban civilization expressed in earthen monuments, urban planning, a water conservation system and a social hierarchy expressed in differentiated burials in cemeteries within the property.位于中国东南沿海长江三角洲的良渚古城遗址(约公元前3300-2300年)向人们展示了新石器时代晚期一个以稻作农业为支撑、具有统一信仰的早期区域性国家。该遗址由4个部分组成:瑶山遗址区、谷口高坝区、平原低坝区和城址区。通过大型土质建筑、城市规划、水利系统以及不同墓葬形式所体现的社会等级制度,这些遗址成为早期城市文明的杰出范例。
国际古迹遗址理事会(the International Council on Monuments and Sites ,ICOMOS)指出:
It is considered to be a supreme achievement of prehistoric rice-cultivating civilization of China and East Asia over 5,000 years ago and an outstanding example of early urban civilization.该遗址被视为5000多年前中国及东亚史前稻作文明的卓越成就,是早期城市文明的杰出范例。
以良渚古城为核心的良渚遗址是良渚文明的中心,遗存类型丰富,遗址格局完整,揭示了中华文明国家起源的基本特征,为中华五千多年文明史提供了最完整、最重要的考古学物证(the most concrete testimony of 5,000 years of Chinese civilization)。
英国知名考古学家科林·伦福儒(Colin Renfrew)曾在2013年和2017年两赴良渚古城遗址参观考察,对那里发掘的有5000年历史之久的玉器和大型水利工程遗迹印象深刻。他说:
The importance of findings from the Neolithic Age in China has been greatly underestimated. Cong and bi unearthed from the Liangzhu historical site represent a unity of values in the region. The complexity of society in Liangzhu was on par with that of a country. This is the origin of Chinese civilization.中国的新石器时代考古发现的重要性被严重低估了。在良渚遗址出土的琮和璧代表该地区统一的价值体系。良渚的社会复杂性相当于一个国家。这就是中华文明的起源。
Viewed from a global perspective, Liangzhu has brought the origin of the state and society in China to a level equal to that of civilizations in Egypt, Mesopotamia and India.从全球来看,良渚使中国国家和社会的起源达到与埃及、美索不达米亚以及印度文明相同的水平。
The historical site at the Liangzhu dam might be the earliest one in the world.良渚坝区遗址可能是世界上最早的。
素质教育 all-round education
《中共中央 国务院关于深化教育教学改革全面提高义务教育质量的意见》近日印发。
The guideline aims to develop an education system that will foster citizens with an all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic grounding, in addition to a hard-working spirit, according to the document.意见旨在发展素质教育,培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。
According to the guideline, compulsory education should emphasize the effectiveness of moral education with efforts on cultivating ideals and faith, core socialist values, China's fine traditional culture, ecological civilization and mental health.
The document stressed elevating intellectual grounding level to develop the cognitive ability and stimulate the sense of innovation of the students.提升智育水平。着力培养认知能力,促进思维发展,激发创新意识。
It also called for strengthening physical education, enhancing aesthetic training with more art curriculums and activities, and encouraging students to participate in more physical work to boost their hard-working spirit.强化体育锻炼,增强美育熏陶,设立艺术特色课程,加强劳动教育,充分发挥劳动综合育人功能。
Heuristic and interactive methods in teaching are encouraged to inspire students to think and ask questions.
More information technology should be integrated into school teaching, it said, specifically calling for more free and high-quality educational resources in rural and remote areas.促进信息技术与教育教学融合应用。免费为农村和边远贫困地区学校提供优质学习资源。
The guideline demands "high-quality and professional" teaching personnel, proposing more training to strengthen teachers' teaching fundamentals and work ethics, as well as improved salaries and benefits.
School principals are asked to shoulder more responsibilities and play better roles in improving education quality.校长是学校提高教育质量的第一责任人,提升校长实施素质教育能力。
National curriculum schemes issued by the central authority should not be replaced by local and school- based curriculum, said the guideline.
Exam-free access to nearby primary and secondary schools should cover all school-age children, and schools are encouraged to promote the well-rounded development of students, the guideline said.推进义务教育学校免试就近入学全覆盖。建立以发展素质教育为导向的科学评价体系。
The country will secure the fiscal investment for compulsory education and motivate schools with higher education quality to help ordinary schools to achieve balanced compulsory education, according to the guideline.保障义务教育财政经费投入,发挥优质学校示范辐射作用,完善强校带弱校等办学机制,促进新优质学校成长。
It also demands strengthened Party leadership over compulsory education reform and more guidance to parents for better family education.
酒店布草 hotel linen
Dubbed as Wuhan's first green washing base, all linen handled by the company, including sheets, towels, duvet covers, will be embedded with a thin, high-temperature resistant chip that enables a hotel to monitor its supplies, and allows hotel guests to access information about their laundry via a QR code.该基地被称为武汉首家绿色洗涤基地,在这里处理的床单、毛巾、被套等布草都将内置一个轻薄、耐高温的芯片,酒店可以通过芯片监控布草状态,客人可以通过一个二维码获取房间布草的洗涤信息。
布草(hotel linen)是宾馆酒店里床单(bed sheets)、被套(duvet covers)、毛巾(towels)等物品的统称。这里要简单说一下英语里关于“被子”的几个表达:quilt,comforter以及duvet。Quilt是指带绗缝的薄被(传统款式是至少其中一面是由很多布碎拼贴而成的图案),比comforter/duvet要薄。Comforter/Duvet Insert就是中国人最熟悉的被芯(内层可以是棉、聚酯纤维、羽绒等等),而comforter除了指被芯以外,还指那种在床品套装(Bedding Sets)里的厚被子,表面已经带有印花,是直接用的,不用再套被套,通常要洗的话是整张被子一起洗。Duvet Insert & Duvet Cover(被芯和被套)应该是小伙伴们最熟悉一种组合,duvet, duvet insert, comforter这几个单词很多时候可以互换,都表示“被芯”,但duvet和duvet insert一般特指纯白色的被芯,通常会配上对应大小的duvet cover(被套)一起使用。
武汉市发改委环资处相关负责人称,新型绿色洗涤设备洗一公斤布草只需7升水,一个员工8小时可洗涤布草1.6吨,该基地还配备有污水处理设备(wastewater treatment equipment),最大程度减少废水污染。
The water used for cleaning will be tap water that has been purified, which is said to make the washed materials softer and more skin-friendly.洗涤用的水也是对自来水进行二次净化之后的软水,据称,使用软水洗涤的布草会更加柔软亲肤。
事实孤儿 de facto orphan
Jointly issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Supreme People's Court and 10 other departments, the guideline defined children with both parents serving prison terms, undergoing compulsory drug rehabilitation or restriction of personal freedom as de facto orphans. This puts them in the same category as children who have sick, disabled parents or parents who have been declared missing. If one of a child's parents is under the aforementioned conditions and the other parent is dead or missing, the child can also be identified as a de facto orphan.由民政部、最高法以及其他10个部门联合发布的意见对事实无人抚养儿童(即通常所说的“事实孤儿”)的定义为:父母双方均符合重残、重病、服刑在押、强制隔离戒毒、被执行其他限制人身自由的措施、失联情形之一的儿童;或者父母一方死亡或失踪,另一方符合重残、重病、服刑在押、强制隔离戒毒、被执行其他限制人身自由的措施、失联情形之一的儿童。
Serve prison terms就是“服刑”的意思,serve这个词最基本的意思是“服务”,引申开来就有“服役、任职、招待”等意思,比如美剧里时常会有个壮汉说:I served in Afghanistan.(我曾经在阿富汗服役。)或者,serve the interests of all the people(符合所有人的利益)。在网球和羽毛球比赛中,serve则表示“发球”,可用作动词或名词,比如:Whose turn is it to serve?(该谁发球了?)Federer's serve is unbeatable.(费德勒的发球无人能敌。)
一是强化基本生活保障(basic living allowances)。明确对事实无人抚养儿童发放基本的生活补贴。
二是加强医疗康复保障(medical relief programs)。对符合条件的事实无人抚养儿童按规定实施医疗救助。
三是完善教育资助的救助(assistance for schooling)。将事实无人抚养儿童参照孤儿纳入教育资助的范围,享受相应的政策待遇,优先纳入国家资助政策体系和教育的帮扶体系。
四是督促落实监护的责任(responsibility of children's guardians)。要求依法打击故意或者恶意不履行监护职责等各类侵害儿童权益的违法犯罪行为。
The document also warned of punishments if parents with childrearing capacity pretend they don't have the capability with the aim of defrauding government welfare for their children. The guideline said law enforcement officers can revoke guardianship of parents defrauding child welfare, and civil affairs authorities can charge those parents child-rearing fees.《意见》提出,对采取虚报、隐瞒、伪造等手段骗取保障资金、物资或服务的父母及其他监护人采取惩戒,执法部门应当依法撤销监护人监护资格。明确对有能力履行抚养义务而拒不抚养的父母,民政部门可依法追索抚养费。
汛期 flooding season
Since the flooding season began in June, southern provinces have received seven rounds of heavy downpours with average precipitation of about 476 mm, up 51 percent compared to the same period in previous years, according to the National Meteorological Center.6月进入汛期以来,我国南方省份已经历七轮强降雨,平均降雨量约476毫米,比常年同期多51%。
在英文报道中,讲到“降雨”时通常会出现rain、drizzle、downpour、shower等词汇。其中,rain是“雨”的总称,我们通过在这个词的前面添加不同的形容词来表示不同程度的降雨,比如:heavy rain(大雨)、light rain(小雨)、中雨(moderate rain)、暴雨(torrential rain)、大暴雨(downpour)、特大暴雨(heavy downpour)。
For the next five days, there will be two more rounds of heavy rain in South China, especially in Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Jiangxi and Zhejiang provinces, with an accumulated precipitation of 100 to 200 millimeters.未来五天,南方还将有两轮强降雨,尤其是湖北、湖南、安徽、江西及浙江,累积降水量可达100到200毫米。
Firemen and rescue workers transfer people trapped in floodwaters in Yichun, East China's Jiangxi province, on July 9, 2019. [Photo by Xu Tao/For chinadaily.com.cn]
Following the recent heavy rainfall, two heavy floods occurred in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, and the current flow in the Lanzhou section of the main stream has exceeded the warning level.
The Xijiang River in the Pearl River basin saw the first flood this year.
Floods exceeding alarms occurred in rivers around Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.长江中下游洞庭湖及鄱阳湖部分水系发生超警以上洪水。
The section from Jiujiang to Poyang Lake in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River will exceed the alarm level Friday, which will be the first time for the water level in the main stream of the Yangtze River to exceed the alarm level in this year's flood season, according to the ministry.预计12日长江中游干流九江至鄱阳湖湖口江段将超过警戒水位,这将是今年长江干流首次超过警戒水位。
The ministry's yellow alert for floods targets Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Hunan, Anhui and Jiangsu.水利部发布洪水黄色预警,提醒青海、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、广西、广东、江西、湖南、安徽、江苏等有关省(自治区)注意防范。
放开落户限制 relaxing residency curbs
China has introduced a slew of measures to boost the employment prospects of graduates in the country, including relaxing residency curbs, promoting multi-channel employment and facilitating the establishment of startups.我国公布了一系列措施促进毕业生就业,包括放开落户限制、促进多渠道就业以及为创业提供便利等。
Residency curbs on the settlement of college graduates, vocational college graduates, and graduates from overseas institutions will be fully relaxed at provincial capitals and other cities. The household registration process for graduates will be further simplified.省会及以下城市要全面放开对高校毕业生、职业院校毕业生、留学归国人员的落户限制,精简落户凭证,简化办理手续。
Personnel in grassroots service projects who have passed the assessment of the grassroots units below the county level in remote areas can be selected and hired in the township institutions.对艰苦边远地区县以下基层单位服务期满并考核合格的基层服务项目人员,可通过直接考察的方式择优聘用到服务地乡镇事业单位。
Small and micro enterprises that hire people who have been unemployed for two years after college graduation will be provided with social insurance subsidies, according to the regulation.对小微企业吸纳离校2年内未就业高校毕业生就业的,按规定给予社会保险补贴。
The country will strengthen innovation and entrepreneurship, relax the conditions for applying for start-up loans, and encourage graduates to return to their hometowns to start their own businesses.加强创新创业教育,放宽创业担保贷款申请条件,支持高校毕业生返乡入乡创业创新。
The country will help arrange internship placements for college graduates and unemployed young people who need internship opportunities. Other subsidies will cover qualified graduates in secondary vocational schools, technical schools included.及时摸排锁定有见习需求的高校毕业生和失业青年,帮助他们获得岗位实践机会。将求职创业补贴对象范围扩大到中等职业学校(含技工院校)的困难毕业生。
夜间经济 nighttime economy
The nighttime economy refers to business activities between 6 pm and 6 am in the service sector. Many other Chinese cities, including Shanghai and Tianjin, have introduced plans to boost their nighttime economy.所谓“夜间经济”一般指从当日下午6点到次日凌晨6点所发生的服务业方面的商务活动。上海、天津等地均已出台措施发展夜间经济。
By the end of 2021, a bunch of nighttime landmarks, business districts and living areas will be set up throughout the capital, which is expected to be featured as part of a world-renowned "Night Capital" consumer brand.到2021年底,北京市将形成一批夜间地标、商圈和生活圈,打造具有全球知名度的“夜京城”消费品牌。
首批4个“夜京城”地标(nighttime landmarks)分别为前门和大栅栏、三里屯、国贸、五棵松。
首批“夜京城”商圈(nighttime business districts)位于蓝色港湾、世贸天阶、簋街、合生汇、郎园、食宝街、荟聚、中粮·祥云小镇、奥林匹克公园等。
首批“夜京城”生活圈(nighttime living areas)在上地、五道口、常营、方庄、鲁谷、梨园、永顺、回龙观、天通苑等区域。
Late-night canteens along major subway lines will be further developed, and the 24-hour convenience stores, bookstores and movie theaters in the capital's urban and rural districts will be expanded to spur the nighttime economy.在主要地铁线路沿线进一步发展深夜食堂特色餐饮,在城郊各区推广24小时便利店、书店、影剧院,进一步刺激夜间经济。
Some scenic spots in the capital will extend their opening times by one to two hours, according to the plan. A series of nighttime performances will also be carried out in famous tourist attractions, such as the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven and the Olympic Forest Park.北京部分景点将延长开放时间一到两个小时,在颐和园、天坛公园、奥林匹克森林公园等地也将组织夜间游览活动项目。
Beijing will extend operations of metro line 1 and line 2 for an extra one hour and 1.5 hours respectively, with the last trains departing after 12:30 am, according to the plan.北京地铁1号线延长运营1小时,2号线延长运营1.5小时,两条线路的末班车发车时间均在零点30分以后。
校外线上培训机构 online after-school training institutions
China will carry out a comprehensive inspection on all online after-school training institutions and set up records on the institutions, their training content and teacher credentials by the end of this year as part of its oversight of the rapidly expanding industry, the Ministry of Education said on Monday.教育部表示,要对快速发展的校外线上培训进行监管,2019年12月底前完成对全国校外线上培训及机构的全面排查,对培训机构及其培训内容和师资情况进行备案。