post code中文翻译,postalcode怎么填美国

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Online training providers shall not offer courses beyond the official syllabus for elementary and secondary schools, while the courses shall remain proportionate to students' grades and individual competence, according to the guidelines.学科类课程培训内容不得超出相应的国家课程标准,须与招生对象所处年级相匹配、与学生个体能力相适应。

To enable verification, the training content and data are asked to be kept for at least one year, while the livestreaming courses should be kept for no less than six months.培训内容和培训数据信息须留存1年以上,其中直播教学的影像须留存至少6个月。


The duration of each online training session shall not exceed 40 minutes and the interval between two sessions should not be less than 10 minutes.每节课持续时间不得超过40分钟,课程间隔不少于10分钟。

In addition, it requires live broadcast lessons for mainland students in compulsory education to be completed no later than 9 pm.面向境内义务教育阶段学生的直播类培训活动结束时间不得晚于21:00。


Teachers employed by online educational institutions should not be in-service teachers from primary and secondary schools but must hold corresponding teachers' qualifications, according to the guidelines.不得聘用中小学在职教师,从事学科知识培训的人员应当具有国家规定的相应教师资格。

Foreign teachers recruited by the after-school training institutions should comply with relevant national regulations, it says, adding that institutions must publicize information on their foreign teachers, including names, photos, teaching credentials, learning, work and teaching experience as well as teachers' qualifications.聘用外籍人员须符合国家有关规定。要在培训平台和课程界面的显著位置公示培训人员姓名、照片和教师资格证等信息,公示外籍培训人员的学习、工作和教学经历。


Online training institutions should not charge fees for more than three months or 60 classes ahead of training, and training fees should not be used for other investment, the guideline said.按课时收费的,每科不得一次性收取超过60课时的费用;按培训周期收费的,不得一次性收取时间跨度超过3个月的费用。收取的培训费用不得用于其他投资。

经排查发现问题的校外线上培训机构应当按整改意见进行整改(rectify their problems),于2020年6月底前完成整改并重新提交相关材料。

省级教育行政部门要联合网信、电信、公安等部门对逾期未完成整改或整改不到位的校外线上培训机构进行查处,视情节暂停或停止培训平台运营(operation suspended or closed)、下架培训应用(apps removed)、关闭微信公众号(小程序)、依法进行经济处罚等。

邮政编码 postal code


When the new postal code system is complete, every Chinese citizen will be able to establish a unique "personal address ID" under unified coding rules.该新型邮编体系建成以后,每个人都可以建立一个基于统一编码规则的唯一“个人地址ID”。

据介绍,“新型邮编”(new postal code system)项目基于国家重点研发计划“全球位置框架与编码系统(global positioning frame and coding systems)”,将地球空间(或地球表面)剖分成体积(面积)形状相似、既无缝隙也不重叠的多层次离散网格(split the terrestrial space into nonoverlapping and seamless multilayer grids similar in size and shape),剖分的网格都具有唯一编码,该编码具有多尺度、可标识、可定位、可索引、可计算、自动空间关联等特点(the code is multidimensional and can be tagged, positioned, searched, computed and used in automatic spacial association)。


我国于1974年开始研制邮政编码(post code/postal code),经过5年左右的时间,拟定出“全国邮政编码试行方案”,并于1978年在辽宁、上海、江苏等省市进行试点。1980年7月1日,我国推出了全国统一使用的邮政编码,开始正式在全国宣传推行。

我国的邮政编码采用四级六位数编码结构(six-digit coding rule)。前两位数字表示省(直辖市、自治区);前三位数字表示邮区;前四位数字表示县(市);最后两位数字表示投递局(所)。

新的邮编系统建成之后,国家邮政局可建立居民个人寄递地址编码管理公共平台,居民可自行在平台上通过身份证信息注册,获得与身份证绑定的个人地址库(individuals can register and establish their own address libraries)。

To deliver a parcel, the sender can select the desired mailing address and send the corresponding code to the courier, who can begin mailing items after typing the code into the system.在快递服务时,公民选择地址库中想寄达的地址,将对应的编码向快递员发送,快递员将地址以编码的形式录入系统即可开始寄件。

每个快递包裹也将有属于自己的ID,该ID可关联所有与包裹相关的信息,包括快递员信息、运送信息、配送信息(information on the courier, shipment and delivery)等。

个人* personal bankruptcy

The country will promote the establishment of a bankruptcy system for insolvent individuals in a step-by-step way, according to the new reform plan released by the National Development and Reform Commission and 12 other central government agencies.由国家发改委和其他12家中央政府机构发布的改革方案提出,我国将推动逐步建立无偿付能力个人的*制度。


个人*(personal bankruptcy),是指作为债务人的自然人不能清偿其到期债务时,由法院依法宣告其*(an insolvent individual is declared bankrupt by the court),并对其财产进行清算和分配或者进行债务调整(have their property liquidated, distributed or debt adjusted),对其债务进行豁免(exempted from the liability the individual is unable to pay back)以及确定当事人在*过程中的权利义务关系的法律规范。

《方案》明确,对符合*等退出条件的国有企业,各相关方不得以任何方式阻碍其退出,防止形成“僵尸企业”(zombie companies)。不得通过违规提供政府补贴、贷款(illegal government subsidies or loans)等方式维系“僵尸企业”生存,有效解决国有“僵尸企业”不愿退出的问题。国有企业退出时(in case of SOEs' exit),金融机构等债权人不得要求政府承担超出出资额之外的债务清偿责任。

发改委将研究建立个人*制度(personal bankruptcy system),重点解决企业*产生的自然人连带责任担保债务问题(resolving the joint liabilities arising from corporate bankruptcy)。明确自然人因担保等原因而承担与生产经营活动相关的负债可依法合理免责。逐步推进建立自然人符合条件的消费负债可依法合理免责(promoting reasonable liability exemptions for individuals),最终建立全面的个人*制度。



Not every personal bankruptcy application will be approved and applying for bankruptcy is not a shelter for those trying to avoid paying their debts, said Xu.


To get the debt liability exemption, the debtor has to repay part of the debt as a condition and the debtor's economic life will be restricted for about three to five years after the end of bankruptcy proceedings, Xu said.


留学生 international students

The Ministry of Education will ask universities to adopt similar standards for all students, foreign and Chinese, in teaching, exam requirements, education resources and services, said an official from the ministry's department of international cooperation and exchanges.教育部国际合作与交流司负责人表示,教育部将进一步推动来华留学生与中国学生的管理和服务趋同化,实现统一标准的教学管理与考试考核制度,提供平等一致的教学资源与管理服务。


离开自己所在的国家去其他国家和地区的学校学习深造的所有学生统称为international students(国际学生/留学生),对于本国的学生来说,从其他国家来我国学习的学生就是foreign students,而离开我们国家去外国学习的学生则是overseas students,学成回国的“海归”就是overseas returnees。这几年很流行的“出国游学”就是overseas study tour。

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China has signed official education exchange agreements with more than 180 countries, under which both sides can send students to each other's countries for further study, the ministry said.目前,中国和180多个国家签订了政府间教育交流协议,支持双方互派学生到对方国家学习深造。

In 2018, the country welcomed 492,000 international students from 196 countries and regions to study at 1,004 universities and research institutes across the country, it said.据教育部发布的统计数据,2018年,共有来自196个国家和地区的49.2万名留学生在国内1004所高校和科研机构学习。

The ministry said 63,000 international students were funded by Chinese government scholarships last year, accounting for just 12.8 percent of the foreign students in China. Moreover, 70 percent of those receiving scholarships were pursuing master's or doctoral degrees.其中,共有6.3万名中国政府奖学金生,占来华留学生总数的12.8%。这些中国政府奖学金生中,攻读学位的硕博研究生占70%。


The ministry punished 18 universities for irregularities in international student admission, certificate issuance for visa applications and on-campus management. Sixteen institutions were suspended to enroll foreign students last year, it said.2018年,教育部严肃处理了18所院校在来华留学生招收、录取、签证等留学生管理工作过程中的各类违法违规行为,暂停16所涉事院校招收外国留学生的资格。

Universities should also teach international students relevant laws and regulations in China, and students who violate those laws and regulations or commit crimes will be dealt with seriously, the official said.该负责人强调,高校应当对来华留学生进行中国法律法规、校规校纪教育,对违规违纪的留学生严肃处理。

电子烟 electronic cigarettes

China is planning to establish legislation to supervise electronic cigarettes as part of overall tobacco control efforts as use of the products increases among the youth, the National Health Commission said on Monday.国家卫健委7月22日表示,随着电子烟在青少年中的使用增加,我国计划立法对电子烟进行监管,作为控烟行动的一个举措。

目前主流的电子烟(electronic cigarettes/e-cigarettes)大部分都是通过一个雾化器(vaporator)将包含丙二醇、植物甘油、调味香料和尼古丁等成分的烟油变成蒸汽,模拟吸烟时产生类似烟雾。


电子烟产生的气溶胶含有许多有毒有害的物质(toxic substances),电子烟中的各种添加剂成分(additives)也存在着健康风险(health risk)。另外,许多电子烟产品所含的尼古丁浓度标识模糊(nicotine concentration claim on the label is vague),容易导致使用者吸食过量。

同时,电子烟的器具还存在着电池爆炸(battery explosion)、烟液渗透(tobacco juice leak)、高温烫伤(scald burn risk)等安全风险。


About 0.9 percent of people in China were e-cigarette users last year-compared with 0.5 percent in 2015-according to a survey released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention in May, which was based on nearly 20,000 people across China. The number of e-cigarette users in China who are 15 years or older is estimated at 10 million, the center said.中国疾控中心今年5月针对近2万人进行的一项调查显示,去年我国电子烟使用者人数占总人口的0.9%,比2015年的0.5%有所上升。我国15岁及以上电子烟使用者的数量预计约有1000万。


"To reduce tobacco prevalence, we must prevent adolescents from trying tobacco. But e-cigarettes can easily lure youngsters and turn them into users of traditional tobacco later," Mao said.毛群安说,要实现吸烟率的下降,一定要阻止青少年尝试烟草,但是电子烟恰恰容易以时尚的方式诱导青少年先接触电子烟,之后可能就接触传统的烟草。

It is necessary to intensify supervision over e-cigarettes. The National Heath Commission is working with other related departments conducting research on e-cigarette supervision and planning to put it under supervision through legislative means.所以必须严格加强电子烟的监管。目前国家卫生健康委正在会同有关部门开展电子烟监管的研究,计划要通过立法的方式对电子烟进行监管。


Over 80 percent of China's population will be under smoke-free legal protection as of 2030.到2030年,全面无烟法规保护的人口比例达到80%及以上。

Party and government branches at all levels will become smoking-free by 2020, and smoking will get gradually banned throughout indoor public spaces, workplaces and public transport.到2022年要基本实现把各级党政机关建设成无烟机关,逐步在所有室内公共场所、办公场所及公共交通内实现全面禁烟。

取景地旅游 set-jetting

Popular TV drama The Longest Day in Chang'an, which was shot in the ancient Chinese city of Xi'an in Shaanxi province, has made the city a tourist hot spot.《长安十二时辰》热播以来,该剧的拍摄地陕西省西安市成为热门旅游景点。

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In the first week of this month, online enquiries about flight ticket bookings to Xi'an recorded a 130-percent year-on-year spike, said Ctrip, China's largest online travel agency.携程统计显示,近期,飞往西安的机票搜索量同比上涨130%左右。


Set-jetting is the trend of traveling to destinations that are first seen in movies or TV series. For instance, touring London in a high-speed boat like James Bond, or visiting the stately homes that are seen in the Jane Austen films. The term was first coined in the US press in the New York Post by journalist Gretchen Kelly.Set-jetting指将影视剧拍摄地作为目的地的旅游,即“取景地旅游”。比如,像詹姆斯•邦德一样乘坐快艇环游伦敦,或者到简•奥斯丁作品电影中那样的大宅院中游览。这个词由《纽约邮报》记者格雷琴•凯丽首创并在美国媒体首先使用。


Many countries – among them, Croatia, Spain, Northern Ireland, Iceland and Morocco – are all benefiting from the ultra popular Game of Thrones series. National and international travel agencies join countless online outfits in offering Game of Thrones trips and tours of all lengths and prices. 包括克罗地亚、西班牙、北爱尔兰、冰岛以及摩洛哥在内的很多国家都因为美剧《权力的游戏》热播而成为热门旅游景点。各类国内和国际旅行社也开始提供各种价位、长期和短期的《权游》主题游产品。


Suzhou, Chongqing and Bayanbulak Grassland have also become go-to destinations for domestic tourists as films such as Pegasus and TV dramas such as All Is Well were set or shot there.苏州、重庆以及巴音布鲁克草原也作为电影《希望之神》和电视剧《都挺好》的取景地或拍摄地而成为国内游客必去的打卡目的地。

平台经济 platform economy

At its executive meeting on Wednesday, the State Council decided to introduce another basket of measures to beef up growth of the platform economy, including steps to scrap restrictions on private sector access, and others to improve the business environment.7月17日召开的国务院常务会议决定实施一系列支持平台经济发展的措施,其中包括取消社会资本准入限制以及提升营商环境的举措。


平台经济(platform economy)是指一种虚拟或真实的交易场所(virtual or real marketplace),平台本身不生产产品,但可以促成双方或多方供求之间的交易(matching demand with supply),收取恰当的费用或赚取差价而获得收益的一种商业模式。平台经济的核心是利用互联网来实现诸如供需匹配、送货、支付、反馈以及对产品和服务供应商进行监督等功能(use the internet to provide common functions such as matching demand with supply, delivery, payment, feedback and supervision of the parties providing a product or service)。平台经济不受地理界限和商业模式的限制(not restricted by geographical boundaries and business models),可以实现资源的优化配置、有效融合及集约化利用(optimal allocation, effective integration and intensive use of resources)。

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The total market value of China's top 20 internet platform businesses, including Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu, exceeded $1.38 trillion by the end of last year, according to a report by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology.中国信息通信研究院的报告显示,截至去年底,阿里巴巴、腾讯、百度等排名前20位的互联网平台企业总市值超过1.38万亿元。



顺应群众需要发展“互联网+服务业”(promote the development of the Internet Plus service industry),支持社会资本进入医疗健康、教育、养老家政、旅游、体育等服务领域(private businesses will be encouraged to invest in sectors such as medical care, education, nursing, domestic services and sports),提供更多优质高效的便民服务。

二要优化发展环境(improve the business environment)。

推进登记注册便利化,放宽新兴行业企业名称登记限制,简化平台企业分支机构设立手续(make business registration easier and simpler procedures for setting up branches)。

三要按照包容审慎要求,创新监管方式,探索适应新业态特点、有利于公平竞争的公正监管办法,推进“互联网+监管”(Internet Plus supervision)。

新时代的中国国防 China's National Defense in the New Era

China on Wednesday issued a white paper to expound on its defensive national defense policy in the new era and explain the practice, purposes and significance of China's efforts to build a fortified national defense and a strong military. Titled "China's National Defense in the New Era," the white paper was released by the State Council Information Office, with a view to helping the international community better understand China's national defense.7月24日,中国政府发表《新时代的中国国防》白皮书。白皮书全面介绍了新时代中国防御性国防政策,清晰地向世界表明了中国国防和军队建设的战略指向、基本遵循和世界意义,有助于国际社会理解中国军力发展。



堵城 the most congested cities

China's southwestern municipality of Chongqing, home to more than 3 million registered cars, had the worst traffic congestion among 50 major cities in the second quarter this year, a recent traffic analysis report says.该交通分析报告指出,在50个主要城市中,今年第2季度交通拥堵程度最严重的城市为西南地区的重庆,该市的机动车登记保有量超过300万。

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