
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662023-11-10 09:15:23

The Wolf and the Shepherd

A wolf wandered about the sheep for a long time, but never attacked them. At first the shepherd was wary of the wolf because he thought he had bad motives. As the days went by, however, the wolf showed no intention of attacking the flock, becoming more of a protector of the flock than an enemy.

One day the shepherd went to town on business, and was not at all worried when he left his flock with wolves. But as soon as he was gone, the wolf turned and attacked the sheep, and killed most of them. When the shepherd returned to see his flock destroyed, he wept bitterly: "I have brought this upon myself by entrusting my flock to a wolf!"

Don't trust those who are not worthy of trust, and don't lend money and goods to those who don't intend to repay at all.




有一天,牧羊人有事去了城里,,离开伴有狼的羊群时,他点儿也不担心。可是,他一走,狼就转身袭击羊群,并且捕*了大部分羊。当牧羊人回来时,看到羊群遭到了灭顶之灾,他恸哭道: “把羊群托付给一只狼,我这是咎由自取啊!”





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