
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-02-24 08:00:42





1. Studying English takes time.

2. The first step is always the hardest.

3. Chatting on the Internet brings me a lot of fun.

4.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

5. A poor man is not necessarily unhappy.

6. A good knowledge of grammar is important to good writ-


7.Living without an aim (目标) is like sailing(航行)with-out a compass(罗盘).

8. Confidence (信心) in yourself is the first step on the road to success.

9. The early bird catches the worm(虫子).

10.The novel won the author a Nobel Prize.

1.2 判断下列句子属于何种句型并翻译成汉语:

11.Time flies by.

12. It slipped my mind.

13. I can't stand the heat.

14. Fools seldom differ.

15. I sent you an E-mail.

16. It cost me three dollars.

17. Old habits die hard.

18. You can leave the door open.

19. He speaks English well.

20. Teachers will make your English better.

21. They elected George W. Bush US President.

22. The novel won the author a Nobel Prize.

23. That will save you a lot of time.

24. They found the dead boy.

25. They found the boy dead.

26. I found the book easily.

27.I found the book easy.

28. Tom found Jim an apartment.

29.We found John a loyal(忠心的)friend.

30. I will find you a goodteacher.

31. I find you a good teacher.

32.She will make him a good wife.

33. She will make him a good husband.


A sentence normally has a subject(主语)and a predicate(谓语).The subject identifies a person, place or thing. The predicatetells what the subject does or is.

The predicate always includes a verb, and a verb is one ofthree types-linking,intransitive, or transitive verbs.

The most widely used linking verb is a form of be,such asam, is, are, was, or were. Other linking verbs include:seem,become,feel,sound,taste,smell. The word or phrase that fol-lows a linking verb is called a subject complement.








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