关注 ,让诗歌点亮生活
译 典
2021.1.11 第329期
王 观
(选自《义务教育教科书 语文 六年级 下册》北京:人民教育出版社,2019)
WANG Guan(1035-1100), styled Sensible Old Man, Driving away Guests by literary name, a native of Rugao, Taizhou (present-day Rugao, Jiangsu Province). He was a poet in the Northern Song dynasty. Wang Guan and Qin Guan (a great sage of lyrics) have been jointly known as the “Two Guans”. One of Wang’s representative works is
Seeing Off Bao Haoran to East Zhejiang一 To the Tune of The Diviner.(王醒译)
Seeing Off Bao Haoran to East Zhejiang
—To the Tune of The Diviner
By WANG Guan
Tr. ZHAO Yanchun
Water, the ripples of her eyes;
Mountain, the rising of her brows.
Where, where to go, from the passer she pries,
And her ogles blue waves arouse.
Spring prime I have seen off, alack,
Now I see you off to go back.
If you can catch up with spring in South Land,
Please stay down with it, hand in hand.