
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-03-28 04:13:38




1, 陈述语气: I like apples 我喜欢苹果。(肯定)

I don't like apples我不喜欢苹果(否定)

2, 疑问语气: What's your name?你叫什么名字?

Do you like apples?你喜欢苹果?

3,祈使语气: Open the door 打开门

3, 虚拟语气: If I were you, I would forgive her如果我是你,我将会原谅她。


1, 与现在的事实相反:从句用过去式,主句用would/could/might/should/ 动词原形

例如;If I had time ,the classroom would be so clean 如果我有时间,教室将会更加干净。

2, 与过去的事实相反:主句用would/could/should/might/ have done , 从句中过去完成时

例如;If I had finished my homework ,I would have passed that test


3, 与将来的事实相反:主句用:should/could/would/might/ 动词原形,从句用should do (可能性最大),过去式(可能性一般)were to do (可能性最小)

If it should snow tomorrow,I would make a snowman 如果明天下雪,明天我将对一个雪人

If it snowed tomorrow,I would make a snowman 如果明天下雪,明天我将堆一个雪人

If it were to snow tomorrow ,I would make a snowman 如果明天下雪,我将对一个雪人


If I had worked hard ,I would have finished it 如果当时我努力工作,我就已经完成它了。

=Had I worked hard ,I would have finished it

If it should snow tomorrow ,I would make a snowman 如果明天下月,我将会对雪人

Should it snow tomorrow ,I would make a snowman

If it were to snow tomorrow ,I would make a snowman

=Were it to snow tomorrow ,I would make a snowman


1,I lifted the chair so that I could be seen 我举起椅子就是为了能被看见 (状语从句)

状语从句中常见连接词:as if 好像,as though 好像,in order that 为了,for fear that 生怕,

In case 万一,lest 以防万一,

2,主语从句: It is 形容词 that 主语 (should 动词原形),should可以省略

It is very important that we (should )study English every day 我们每天学习英语是很重要的。

4, 宾语从句;I wish I would visit the moon我祝愿自己能有一天拜访月球。

I would rather you had helped me out two days ago 我倒想你能在两天前帮助我

宾语从句常见句型: 主语 常见动词 that 主语 should 动词原形

I suggest that you should do your homework 我建议你应该做你的作业。

表语从句;He looked as if he had been here for many years 他看起来好像已经很多年了。


I make a proposal that we should hold a meeting next week 我提议下周召开一次会议

虚拟语气常见词汇:,demand 要求,require 要求,proposal提议,advise 建议,order 命令,suggest建议


祝愿: Long live peace 和平万岁

It is (high)time that 主语 should/过去式

It's time that we had a break 我们早该休息了

It's (high)time that we should protect ourselves 我们是时候保护我们自己了。




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