environment 的用法,environment和surroundings区别

首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-03-31 18:25:32

  1. 减少碳排放 - Reduce carbon emissions
  2. 提倡循环利用 - Promote recycling
  3. 节能减排 - Energy conservation and emission reduction
  4. 绿色生活方式 - Green lifestyle
  5. 可持续发展 - Sustainable development
  6. 生态平衡 - Ecological balance
  7. 低碳经济 - Low-carbon economy
  8. 生物多样性保护 - Biodiversity conservation
  9. 水资源保护 - Water resource protection
  10. 大气污染控制 - Air pollution control
  11. 垃圾分类处理 - Waste sorting and disposal
  12. 雨林保护 - Rainforest conservation
  13. 林木再生种植 - Reforestation
  14. 动植物保护 - Wildlife and plant conservation
  15. 海洋环境保护 - Marine environment protection
  16. 碳中和技术 - Carbon neutrality technology
  17. 温室气体减排 - Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
  18. 可再生能源利用 - Utilization of renewable energy
  19. 土地资源保护 - Land resource protection
  20. 环保产业发展 - Development of environmental protection industry
  21. 树木清洁空气 - Trees clean the air
  22. 碳交易市场 - Carbon trading market
  23. 节水措施实施 - Implementation of water-saving measures
  24. 绿色交通政策 - Green transportation policy
  25. 生态城市建设 - Ecological urban construction
  26. 农田生态保护 - Farmland ecological protection
  27. 工业固体废弃物处理 - Industrial solid waste treatment
  28. 碳排放监测系统 - Carbon emission monitoring system
  29. 环境监测站点建设 - Establishment of environmental monitoring sites
  30. 绿色农业发展 - Development of green agriculture
  31. 禁止非法砍伐 - Prohibit illegal logging
  32. 环境教育普及 - Popularization of environmental education
  33. 环保法规执行 - Enforcement of environmental protection laws and regulations
  34. 湿地保护与恢复 - Wetland protection and restoration
  35. 社会环境责任 - Social environmental responsibility
  36. 环保志愿者活动 - Environmental volunteer activities
  37. 低碳旅游推广 - Promotion of low-carbon tourism
  38. 城市绿化工程 - Urban greening project
  39. 环保科技创新 - Innovation in environmental protection technology
  40. 碳减排目标达成 - Achieving carbon emission reduction targets
  41. 生态修复工程 - Ecological restoration project
  42. 绿色消费倡导 - Advocacy for green consumption
  43. 环境友好材料使用 - Use of environmentally friendly materials
  44. 碳税政策支持 - Support for carbon tax policies
  45. 环保组织合作 - Collaboration of environmental organizations
  46. 碳中和行动计划 - Carbon neutral action plan
  47. 环保意识培养 - Cultivation of environmental awareness
  48. 碳捕捉与封存技术 - Carbon capture and storage technology
  49. 可再生资源开发 - Development of renewable resources
  50. 碳足迹评估 - Carbon footprint assessment




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