
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-03 02:01:19

1. come about (未经计划地)发生(不及物)

How did the accident come about? 这事故是怎么发生的?

2. come across 偶遇;无意中发现;被理解;给人以......的印象

I came across a group of children playing. 我碰到一群正在玩耍的孩子。

He spoke for a ling time but his meaninig didn' t really come across.


Did he come across as a sane, rational person? 他看上去是不是一个头脑清醒


3. come after ... 紧跟

Monday does come after Sunday. 星期日之后是星期一。

4. come along 一起来;出现;进展

I am glad you came along. 非常开心你跟着来了。

When the right opportunity comes along, she will take it. 当合适的机会出现,她会把握住的。

Your French has come along a lot recently. 你的法语最近进步很大。

5. come and go 来来去去;时有时无

They were able to come and go at will. 他们能够来去自由。

Fashions in art and literature come and go. 文艺的潮流总是昙花一现。

6. come around


Come around when you have time. 有时间的时候过来玩吧。


With the summer vacation coming around, some students begin to make plans for it.



It took him a while to come around to the idea. 过了一会儿,他才改变观点接受了这个主意。

7. come apart 破碎,破裂

The book just came apart in my hands. 这本书就在我手里坏了。

8. come at 扑向(某人)

She came at me with a bunch of flowers. 她手捧鲜花向我扑来。

9. come back


The color was coming back to her cheeks. 她的面颊回复了血色。


Long hair for men seems te be coming back. 男人留长发似乎又流行起来。

10. come back to sb. 恢复记忆,回想起

Beautiful memories of childhood came back clearly to me. 美好的童年回忆复现在眼前。

11. come back to sth. 回到(主题、想法等)上来

It all comes back to a question of money. 一切又回到了钱的问题上。

12. come by


I will come by this evening and pick up the books. 我今晚过来取书。


How did you come by that cheque? 你怎么得到那张支票的?

13. come down


We were forced to come down in a field. 我们被迫降落在田野里。


The name has come down from the last century. 这名称是从上世纪流传下来的。

14. come down to ... 归结为

When you come down to it, however, the basic problems of life have not changed.


15. come from 来自

They come from totally different cultures. 他们来自完全不同的文化。

16. come in


May I come in? 我可以进来吗?


The train is coming in now. 火车到站了。


My horse came in second. 我的马跑了第二名。


Would you like to come in at this point? 你现在想参加讨论吗?

17. come into ...


He would come into the clubhouse every day. 他会每天到俱乐部会所来。


Supposing that you come into a lot of money, what would you do then?


18. come into 名词

come into being 形成;产生

come into existence 成立;开始存在

come into effect/force/operation 生效;开始实施

come into sight/view 进入视野;出现在眼前

come into use 开始被使用

come into service 投入使用

come into contact 与......联系

come into fashion 开始流行

come into power/office 上台;掌权

19. come of 出身于;起源于

Some good might come of all this gloomy business. 某种好的结果也许会从这种惨淡的经营中产生。

20. come off


People coming off a busy spring and summer have a moment of relaxation.



A button had come off my coat. 我的外套掉了一个纽扣。

21. come on


Come on. We don' t have much time. 快点,我们时间不多了。


The project is coming on fine. 这个项目进展顺利。


Come on. You know that is' t true. 得了吧,你知道那不是真的。

22. come out


The rain stopped and the sun came out. 雨停了,太阳出来了。


My new book has come out. 我的新书出版了。


Some flowers have begun to come out. 一些花已经开了。


Let me know how the voting comes out. 告诉我投票结果。

It came out that they were totally right. 结果他们是对的。

23. come over


My aunt came over for a visit yesterday. 我姑姑昨天到访。


A wave of sleepiness came over him. 他突然犯困了。

24. come round


Could I come round tomorrow? 我明天来拜访好吗?


He will never come round to our way of thinking. 他绝不会改变观点与我们的想法一致。


They watched by her bed waiting for her to come round. 他们在床边守候,等待她苏醒过来。

25. come through


The team will come through this barren patch and start to win again.



The author has had some hard times, but she has come through.


26. come to sb. 被某人想到

The answer came to me in a flash. 我突然想到了答案。

27. come to sth. 共计

The bill came to $30. 总共30美元。

28. come to a/an 名词

come to an end 结束

come to a stop 停止

come to an agreement 达成协议

come to a conclusion 得出结论

29. come up


Come up. I am upstairs! 上来,我在楼上。

We watched the sun come up. 我们看着太阳升起来。


He came up to me and asked me the way to the station. 他走上前来问车站怎么走。


The “air pollution”topic comes up every year. 空气污染这个话题每年都会被提及。


I' m afraid I can' t go. Something has come up. 恐怕我不能走了。发生点事情。

I heard your birthday is coming up. 我听说你的生日快到了。

30. come up with 想出,提出,提供

Our class came up with the idea to make better use of used materials.


They want to buy the house, but they couldn' t come up with the cash.


31. to come 将来,未来

When you sleep, your body prepares you for the day to come.


32. come to light 暴露,真相大白

New evidence has recently come to light. 新的证据最近已被披露。




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