
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-03 07:42:10

Unit 2 Lesson 8 Letters

教案 1


1.学生能说、会认Aa Bb Cc Dd





能听说辨认字母Aa Bb Cc Dd

能正确运用句型Good-bye! Bye! See you later!






Good morning

How are you?

Fine, Thanks



Where is my ?

Here it is! Thanks.


1.Aa Bb Cc Dd




的发音,再出示 name same,强调字母a的发音

教学字母Bb 和Dd

板书领读,然后出示book,说明book中字母b的读音,说明中字母的读音/ b/再出示desk 中d的读音/d/。在Bb、Dd之间写上字母Cc,领读几遍,出示cat说明cat中c的读音/k/。再出示chair,讲明ch相连发音/tf/和汉语拼音中的ch发音相似



第2题 要求学生填写以ABCD开头单词的第一个字母

3、Song” ABC song”



4、Good-bye. See you later.



唱”ABC song”


Aa Bb Cc Dd Good-bye! Bye! See you later!

apple book cat door

Unit 2 Lesson 8 Letters

教案 2


1.能够听、说、认读单词help, share, care, play, study, each other.

2.理解句型When I…并能运用这一句型谈论自己的朋友,并写一写。



重点:能够听、说、认读单词help, share, care, play, study, each other.;理解句型When I…, my friend…,并能运用这一句型谈论自己的朋友,并写一写。





Step1 Warm up

1. Sing a song: Friends are big, friends are …

2. Free talk:

Who is your best friend?

What do he /she like?

Step 2 Presentation

1. Guess the puzzle

When I clean the classroom, they help me.

When I don’t have a pen, they share theirs.

When I’m sick, they care about(关心)me.

Who are they?

Ss: Friends(板书)

2. T: All of us have many friends. But what is friend?

What can your friends do for you?

S1: My friend can help me.

T: Great! Look, when I clean the room, my friend helps me.

When does your friend help you? Talk in a Group.

S1: When I … my friend helps me.

S2: When I … my friend helps me.

S3: …

T: So we can see friends help each other.

3. T: Look, they are good friends. What do they do?

Ss: They eat ice cream together.

T: Yes, they share ice cream together.

Teach “share”.

T: What do you share with your friends?

S1: I share pens with my friends.

S2: I share … with my friends.

T: So…

Ss: Friends share each other.

4. T: And friends care about each other, too.

When I am sick, my friend cares me.

What about your friends?

Talk about it in a group, then report.

5. T: Look, what do friends do together?

S1: Friends play football together.

S2: Friends play ping pong together.

T: We see …

Ss: Friends play together.

6. T: What else do you do with your friends?

S1: I study English with my friend.

S2: I study … with my friend.

Step 3 Practice

1. Listen and number.

2. Read a poem.

Friends help each other.

When I put away toys, my friend helps me.

Friends share.

When I need a crayon but don’t have any, my friend shares her crayons.

Friends care about each other.

When I’m in bed, my friend visits me.

Friends play together.

Friends study together.

We are friends in both good and bad times.

Step4 Homework:

Friends( )each other.

When I( ), my friend helps me.

Friends( ).

When I( )but don’t have any, my friend shares .

Friends( )about each other.

When I’m in bed, my friend visits me.

Friends( )together.

My friend and I( )together.

Friends( )together.

My friend and I ( )together.

We are friends in both good and bad times

Unit 2 Lesson 8 Letters


Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims: Students can listen, read and understand these new words: friend, long/short hair, strong, thin;Students can master the new sentences: My friend is..., He/She is....He/She has....;Ability aims: Students can use these new words and sentences to describe their friends correctly; Affection aims: Students can care more about their friends and cherish their friendship.

Teaching key point:

The mastery of new words and sentences.

Teaching difficulties:

Ⅰ.The pronunciation of new words, especially "thin”,” friends".

Ⅱ.To help students understand and use what we learned correctly with the help of some pictures, body language and games.

Teaching aids:

Multimedia computer, PPT, pictures.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Warming up:

1. Greetings

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

S: Good morning, Miss Luo.

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.

T: Sit down, please.

2. Revision

T: Eyes on me! Look, what are on the table?

S: There are books, pens and a bag.

T: Very good. Look, where is my book?

S: It's on the desk.

T: Where is my pen?

S: It's in the chair.

Step 2: Lead-in

Show some cartoon pictures about friends on the screen.

T: Let's look at the screen. There are two pictures. Do you know them?

S: Xi Yangyang and Mei Yangyang.

T: Yes, you are so clever. Do you love them?

S: Yes!

T: I love them very much. You know they are friends.

Step 3: Presentation

T: OK, this lesson we'll learn unit 3 My Friends.

T: Read after to me "friend".("friend" and read after to me, pay much attention to the pronunciation.)

S: friend....

T: Through the 2 pictures, can you guess the meaning about "friend".

S: 朋友.

T: Great! Do you know who is my friend?

T: I'll tell you. My friend is Lily.(板书:"My friend is....")

Practice: Who is your friend? My friend is.... (Choose one group ask and answer one by one.)

Learn new words and sentences: long/short hair, thin, strong, she is..., she has....

1. T: Boys and girls, today I'll introduce my friend Lily to you.(show a photo of Lily)

T: Look, Lily is my friend. She is thin.(板书:"She is thin" and read new word after to me. Use body language to help understand and pay much attention to the pronunciation "θ")

2. T: She has long hair. (板书:"She has long hair" read new word after to me. Point some girls who have long hair to help understand.” Look, Alice has long hair. Iris has long hair, too.")

Practice (ask some questions):

T: Is she thin?

S: Yes, she is thin.

T: Does he have long hair?

S: No, he has not long hair.

3. Comparison. Show superstar who is strong or has short hair, such as Yao Ming and Li Yuchun.

Yao Ming: He is strong.(板书:"He is strong." and read new word after to me. Use body language to help understand.)

Li Yuchun: She has short hair.(板书:"She has short hair." and read new word after to me. Point some girls who have long hair to help understand.” Look, Alice has long hair. Tom has short hair.")

Practice (ask some questions):

T: Is she strong?

S: No, she isn't. She is thin.

T: Does he have short hair?

S: Yes, he has short hair.

Step 4: Practice

1. Match (to tell the difference between “She is....” and "She has....”

Big eyes


She is... long hair

She has... thin



2. Introduce your friend to us

S1: I have a friend. Her name is Kara. She has long hair. She is very thin.

S2: I have a friend. His name is John. He is strong. He has short hair.

3. Friends show

T: OK, friends. Make ourselves strong and happy everyday. So does Peter. He is a boy. He is thin. He has short hair. He has a long face. He has two big eyes. He has a long nose. He has a small mouth.

T: This is my funny friend. I like him. Do you like him? Do you want a funny friend? OK, please come and make a funny face. Then tell us your funny friend.

This is my friend. He\She is a girl\boy.

He \She has_____ hair.

He \She has a _____ face.

He \She has two _____ eyes.

He \She has a _____ nose.

He \She has a ______ mouth.

Step 5: Tongue twister (Say it together with body language)

Tall, tall, tall! Make yourself tall.

Short, short, short! Make yourself short.

Big, big, big! Make your eyes big.

Small, small, small! Make your eyes small.

Long, long, long! Make your arms long.

Short, short, short! Make your arms short.

Thin, thin, thin! Make yourself thin.

Strong, strong, strong! Make yourself strong.

Board writing:

She/He has long hair. < > short hair.

Big eyes < > small eyes

She/He is strong. < > thin.

short < > tall

Unit 2 Lesson 8 Letters



1.能够听说认读单词:Friends long/short hair, thin, strong and quiet

2. 能够运用句子:She/he is---和she/he has---描述朋友


1.句型:She/He is----, she/He has-----

2.词汇:friend, thin, strong, quiet


发音:friend, thin






1.Let’s chant

Tall tall tall, make yourself tall

Short short short, make yourself short

Long long long, make your arms long

Short short short, make your arms short

Big big big, make your eyes big

Small small small, make your eyes small


(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)

1. 教师出示Bai Ling的面具,问:Who is she? 学生回答:Bai Ling。教师说:She has long hair. (一边说一边做动作帮助学生理解)

教师出示Mike的面具,问:Who is he? 学生回答:Mike。教师说:He has short hair. (一边说一边做动作帮助学生理解)

教师同时拿着两个面具,说:Bai Ling and Mike are friends. They are friends.

2.让学生看着面具在教师的提示下学说:She has long hair. She has short hair. They are friends.

3.让学生指着班里的同学说:She has long hair. He has short hair. 教师出示单词卡教读long hair, short hair和friends。(把单词卡贴在黑板上)

4.Now let’s sing

5.教师出示Sarah和John的面具,问Who is she?学生答:Sarah, John。教师把面具贴到黑板上相应的单词前,鼓励学生说出She has long hair. She has short hair.

6.出示姚明的图片并问:Who is he? 学生答姚明。教师:He is strong出示单词卡教读strong。指着班里很壮的学生说he is strong.指着另一个较瘦的学生说she is thin并出示PPT,教师要提醒学生在读thin时,注意咬舌尖儿

7. After that, let several students read the sentences

8.教师把右手的食指放在嘴上,做出让学生安静的动作,让学生说出单词quiet。并出示单词卡,让学生认读quiet。(把单词卡贴到黑板上)再出示ppt,让学生说出:She is quiet. 让学生翻译中文

9. 让学生齐读所有的新单词


1.Ok, maybe some pupils are tired, let’s play a game: Throw a ball 方法:教师说出教室里一个学生的特征,学生按要求投篮,如:He is strong, please ,throw the “strong” into the basket. 用同样的方法投完所有的球

2. Guessing

教师:你能根据我的描述猜出这个人是谁吗?I have a friend, she has-----

(四)巩固和拓展(consolidation and extension)

Group work: Talk about your friends

方法:四人一组 相互介绍自己的朋友

(五)作业(homework) 设计并珍藏你朋友的个人档案(可以在电脑上制作)。

My friend


Age(年龄): __________________________



Part A Let’s learn

Strong quiet thin

Long hair short hair


She/he is----, she/he has-----




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