
首页 > 教育培训 > 作者:YD1662023-05-05 08:13:13


1. About

◆ (prep.)关于:I know nothing about this. 关于这件事我毫不知情。

◆ (adv.)大约:The toy costs about $2. 这玩具大约要2美元。

2. Bear

◆ (n.)熊:He saw a bear near the river. 他在河边看到一只熊。

◆ (v.)忍受:She can't bear Tom's bad habit. 她不能忍受汤姆的坏习惯。


3. Book

◆ (n.)书本:There are a lot of books in the library. 图书馆里有很多书。

◆ (v.)预订:You'd better book the ticket in advance. 你最好提前订票。

4. Break

◆ (n.)休息:It's time to take a break. 是时候休息了。(break =rest)

◆ (v.)打破:They had to break a window to get into the house. 他们不得不打破窗户进屋。

5. But

◆ (conj.)但是:The car is cheap, but it's good. 这车尽管便宜,但很好。

◆ (prep.)除了:He can't speak anything but Greek. 除了希腊语之外,他不会说其他任何语言。

6. Can

◆ (aux.)能够:He can speak three languages. 他会说三种语言。

◆ (n.)罐头:You should open the can by yourself. 你应该自己打开罐头。

7. Capital

◆ (n.)首都:Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。


◆ (n.)资本:His new company's starting capital is $10,000. 他的新公司启动资金有一万美元。

◆ (n.)大写字母:The name and address must be written in capitals. 姓名和地址均应大写。

8. Catch

◆ (v.)捉住:We tried our best to catch the thief. 我们尽全力抓住了小偷。

◆ (v.)赶上:He got up too late to catch the early bus. 他起得太晚,没赶上早班车。

◆ (v.)染病:I catch a cold. 我感冒了。

◆ (v.)理解:I didn't catch what you said. 我没听懂你说什么。

9. Class

◆ (n.)班级:I study in Class Six. 我在六班学习。

◆ (n.)课程:I Have a math class at 9 o'clock. 我九点钟上数学课。

◆ (n.)种类:There are many classes of foods in the box. 盒子里有多种食物。

◆ (n.)等级:This is a second-class seat. 这是二等座位。

10. Close

◆ (v.)关闭:Don't forget to close the door. 别忘了关门!

◆ (adj.)亲密的:I have a close friend called Jack. 我的一个好朋友叫杰克。

◆ (adj.)靠近的:The park is close to the school. 公园离学校很近。

11. Cross

◆ (v.)横穿:Don't cross the road when the traffic light is red. 红灯时不要穿马路。

◆ (v.)交叉:He crossed his leg and sat down. 他交叉着腿坐了下来。


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