
首页 > 教育培训 > 作者:YD1662023-05-05 08:13:13

◆ (n.)十字记号:Mark the place with a cross on the map. 在地图上用十字标出那个地方。

12. Date

◆ (n.)日期:What's the date today? 今天几号?

◆ (n.)约会:Tonight I have a date with Mike. 今晚我和迈克有个约会。

13. Express

◆ (v.)表达:It's Hard for him to express himself in English. 他很难用英语表达自己。

◆ (n.)快递:He sent the book to me by express. 他通过快递把书寄给我。

14. Face

◆ (n.)脸:He likes washing face with the cold water. 他喜欢用冷水洗脸。

◆ (v.)面对:He faced the difficulty bravely. 他勇敢地面对困难。

15. Fan

◆ (n.)风扇:Most old people prefer fans to air conditioners. 比起空调,多数老年人更喜欢电扇。

◆ (n.)迷;狂热爱好者:The popular singer has millions of fans. 那位流行歌手有数百万的歌迷。

16. Fit

◆ (adj.)健康的:He always do exercise to keep fit. 他坚持做运动来保持健康。

◆ (v.)适合:The jacket fits him well. 这件夹克很适合他。

17. Free

◆ (adj.)免费的:The coffee is free here. 这里的咖啡是免费的。

◆ (adj.)自由的,空闲的:I am free this afternoon. 今天下午我有空。

18. Gift

◆ (n.)礼物:The watch was a gift from my mother. 这块表是母亲给我的礼物。

◆ (n.)天赋:Cindy has a gift for music. 辛迪有音乐天赋。

19. Green

◆ (adj.)绿色的:I like that green skirt. 我喜欢那条绿色的裙子。


◆ (adj.)(指水果)未成熟的:The banana is still green. 那根香蕉还没熟。

◆ (adj.)新来的,无经验的:Those new workers are very green. 那些新工人还很不成熟。

20. Grow

◆ (v.)生长:I want to be an astronaut when I grow up. 长大后我想成为一名宇航员。

◆ (v.)种植:My grandparents grew a lot of flowers. 我祖父母种了很多花。

◆ (v.)变成:It began to grow dark. 天开始变黑了。

21. Hard

◆ (adj.)困难的:It's hard to finish the task in time. 按时完成任务有困难。

◆ (adj.)坚硬的:Diamonds are the hardest known mineral. 钻石是已知的最坚硬矿石。

◆ (adv.)努力地:Work hard, or you will fall behind. 努力工作吧,否则你会落后的。

◆ (adv.)猛烈地:It's raining hard. Don't go out until it stops. 雨下得很大。等雨停了再出去。

22. Have

#1 (v.)有:I have a lot of hobbies. 我有很多爱好。

#2 (v.)进行,从事:Let's have a talk. 让我们谈谈。

#3 (v.)吃:He usually has a sandwich for lunch. 他经常吃三明治当作午餐。

23. Hot

◆ (adj.)热的:It's too hot in the room. 房间里太热了。

◆ (adj.)辣的:Pepper is very hot. 胡椒是很辣的。

◆ (adj.)热门的:The movie is going to be this summer's hot ticket. 这部电影将是今夏大热门。

24. If

◆ (conj.)如果:I will go to Hangzhou if I have time in March. 如果三月份有时间,我将去杭州。

◆ (conj.)是否:I don't know if you are right. 我不知道你是不是对的。

25. Just

◆ (adv.)刚才:I have just seen John. 我刚刚见过约翰。

◆ (adv.)恰好:It's just my size. 这正是我的尺寸。

◆ (adj.)公正的:He received a just reward. 他得到了应有的报酬。

26. Key

◆ (n.)钥匙:I can't find my key. 我找不到钥匙。

◆ (n.)关键:Diet and exercise are the key to good health. 饮食和运动是健康的关键。

◆ (n.)关键的:The key factor to success is hard work. 成功的关键因素是努力工作。

27. Kind

◆ (adj.)和蔼的:You are so kind! 你真好!

◆ (n.)种类:There are all kinds of books in the library. 图书馆里有各种各样的书。

28. Last

◆ (adj.)最后的:December is the last month of the year. 十二月是一年的最后一个月。

◆ (adj.)最近的,上一个的:The last time I saw him was in May. 我上次见到他是在五月份。

◆ (v.)持续:How long will this fine weather last? 这样的好天气会持续多久?

29. Leave

◆ (v.)离开:He left his hometown two years ago. 他两年前离开了家乡。

◆ (v.)使…处于某种状态:Leave the door open. 让门开着。

◆ (v.)遗留:I've left my gloves on the bus. 我把手套忘在公共汽车上了。

◆ (n.)假期:I've applied for three days' leave. 我已经请了三天假。


30. Lesson

◆ (n.)课:The first lesson in driving is how to start the car. 驾驶的第一课是如何发动汽车。

◆ (n.)教训:Let this be a lesson to you never to play with matches! 让这成为你的一个教训,永远不要玩火柴!

31. Lie

◆ (v.)平躺:Don't lie in bed all morning. 别一上午都躺在床上。

◆ (v.)位于:The city lies in the east of China. 这个城市位于中国东部。

◆ (v.)撒谎:He is lying! Don't believe him. 他在撒谎!别相信他。

32. Light

◆ (n.)灯光:The light is too poor to read. 光线太差,没法看书。

◆ (v.)点燃:He lit the candle. 他点燃了蜡烛。

◆ (adj.)亮的:We like to study in a light room. 我们喜欢在明亮的房间里学习。

◆ (adj.)轻的:The coat is light and warm. 这外套又轻又暖。

◆ (adj.)浅色的:I prefer light colors. 我喜欢浅色系。

33. Like

◆ (v.)喜欢:I like to chat with others. 我喜欢和别人聊天。

◆ (prep.)像…:He looks like his father. 他长得像他的父亲。

◆ (prep.)例如…:Things like glass, paper, and plastic can all be recycled. 玻璃、纸张、塑料之类的东西都可以回收利用。

◆ (prep.)(询问特点或性质)…怎么样:What's Mr.Wang like? 王老师是个怎样的人?

34. Lose

◆ (v.)丢失:I lost my key. 我的钥匙丢了。

◆ (v.)失败:We lost the match at last. 虽然我们尽力了,但最后还是输了。

35. Match

◆ (n.)比赛:There will be a basketball match on TV tonight. 今晚电视上将有一场篮球比赛。

◆ (n.)火柴:People don't use matches quite often now. 人们现在不经常使用火柴了。

◆ (v.)与…相配:The furniture and the room match perfectly. 家具和房间非常相配。


36. Meet

◆ (v.)遇见:He met an old friend yesterday. 他昨天遇到了一个老朋友。

◆ (v.)在车站等接人:I will meet you at the airport. 我会在机场接你。

◆ (v.)满足:Their team will try hard to meet the new customers' needs. 他们团队将设法满足新客户的需求。






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