1.Who gives a toast at her own wedding? 谁会在自己的婚礼上致祝酒词呢?
✨toast to sb/sth: the act of a group of people wishing sb happiness, success, etc. by drinking a glass of sth, especially alcohol, at the same time 干杯;祝酒;敬酒
-I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.
2.Fitting into this dress required no solid food for three straight weeks. 为了要塞进这条裙子,要整整三周不能吃固态食物。
✨straight [adj.]: one after another in a series, without interruption 连续的;不间断的
-The team has had five straight wins.
3.Did the caterers have any idea what the Jews went through a few years ago? 这些厨师到底知不知道几年前犹太人经历了什么?
✨go through: to experience or suffer sth 经历;遭受
-She's been going through a bad patch recently.
4....and meet brilliant women, kindred spirits. 结识杰出的女性,志趣相投的人。
✨kindred spirit: a person with similar ideas, opinions, etc. 志同道合的人
✨kindred: very similar; related 类似的,相似的;有血缘关系的
-food and kindred products 食物及类似产品
5.I'm nuts. 我真是疯了。
✨nuts: crazy 疯狂
-That phone ringing all the time is driving me nuts!
-He's a complete nut, if you ask me.