虽然Namei勾勒出了二语词汇在心理词库中的基本发展特征, 由于对联想反应所采用的刺激词的词性或词类在研究中并没有明确划分, 对相应的反应进行分类也没有统一的标准,因此,这样的二语词库构建模式还有待于更多研究结果的证实。
词汇联想作为一种简便、快捷、操作性强的测试和实验手段, 在心理语言学领域和应用语言学领域已经得到众多的关注。通过词汇联想得到的结果可以分析和揭示学习者心理词汇的联结特点,从而诊断出词汇习得中存在的问题,更好地指导外语教学,也为教材的编写及词典的编撰提供有价值的反馈信息。不可否认, 目前的相关研究在二语词汇习得领域仍在起步阶段, 存在的问题以及对研究结果的争议也不少。主要有以下几个方面:
1)对二语心理词库的构建模式存在争议。是与一语不同的语音联结模式为主, 还是与一语相同的语义联结模式为主,各执一端。
心理词库是有关词的信息在大脑中的表征(Murphy , 2003)。但这些信息到底是什么,又是以什么样的方式结合在一起, 绝不是一个能简单回答的问题。词汇联想虽然简便易行, 但作为一种科学的研究方法, 仍然需要进一步完善和修正。尽管如此, 联想测试所折射出的词汇知识构建可以反映出二语学习者词汇能力的基本发展特点、对二语词汇深度知识掌握的程度以及与母语者的差异。对二语词汇习得的研究道路漫长,期待更多的研究者做更多更深的探索。
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Word Associations and Mental Lexicon: A Review of Lexical Network Structure ResearchPing Zhang
Abstract: This paper reviews the studies on the relationship between depth of lexical knowledge (lexical network structure) and word associations in mental lexicons. It further reviews the development and patterns of word association test, a classical research method widely employed in psycholinguistics. Comparisons were conducted from the perspectives of L1 and L2 theoretical and empirical research that, the organization of L1 mental lexicon follows the route of vocabulary acquisition: from sound-meaning mapping to syntactic knowledge expansion to semantic network construction. L2 mental lexicon however, bears much controversy not only in independent storing, conceptual mediating, and the role of L1 knowledge, but also in the same or similar developmental patterns with L1 mental lexicon. Defects in word association test as a research method were as well pointed out in the end to lead the way for future research.