
首页 > 大全 > 作者:YD1662022-12-15 12:09:06



5A级景区 5A-level scenic areas

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism conducted a review and inspection of select 5A-level scenic areas to check their resource conservation, tourist facilities and sanitation and safety management, among other services, the ministry said Wednesday.文化和旅游部近期组织第三方专业检查员对部分5A级旅游景区的资源保护、游览设施、环境卫生、安全管理及其他服务方面情况进行了复核检查。


我国旅游景区质量等级(quality rating of scenic areas)划分为五级,从高到低依次为AAAAA、AAAA、AAA、AA、A级旅游景区。旅游景区质量等级的标牌、证书由全国旅游景区质量等级评定机构统一规定。

景区评定等级需要满足的条件包括三个细则,细则一为服务质量与环境质量(quality of service and environment),共分为旅游交通(transport)、游览(tour)、旅游安全(travel safety)、卫生(sanitation)、邮电服务(postal service)、旅游购物(shopping)、综合管理以及资源和环境的保护(resource and environment conservation)8个大项;细则二为景观质量,分为资源要素价值与景观市场价值两大评价项目;细则三为游客意见(tourists feedback),以游客对该旅游景区的综合满意度为依据。


According to the inspection results, Qiaojia Dayuan, a tourist site featuring an ancient and traditional folk house in the city of Jinzhong, North China's Shanxi province, was removed from the 5A-level list.根据检查结果,文化和旅游部决定,对山西省晋中市乔家大院景区予以取消5A质量等级处理。

The ministry also named and shamed another six 5A-level tourism spots, and urged them to rectify their problems within three months.文化和旅游部还对6家5A级旅游景区予以通报批评处理,限期3个月整改。


Name and shame是英语里常用的一个固定搭配,这个短语的意思是:to reveal the identity of a person or organization guilty of illegal or unacceptable behavior in order to embarrass them into not repeating the offence,即“将实施了违法违规行为的个人或组织的身份公布出来,让他们难堪,以防止今后再犯”,用中文里的“通报批评”对应很合适。另外,曾经在电视剧里出现过的“游街示众”则可以用shame parade来表示。


2019年大学超高净值校友排行榜 2019 University Ultra-High-Net-Worth Alumni Rankings

财富研究公司Wealth-X近日发布了2019年大学超高净值校友排行榜(2019 University Ultra-High-Net-Worth Alumni Rankings)。


At nearly 14,000 ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) alumni, Harvard tops the list. The university has more than double the UHNW alumni of Stanford and the University of Pennsylvania, in second and third place, respectively.哈佛大学位居榜首,拥有近1.4万名超高净值校友,这一数字是第二名斯坦福大学和第三名宾夕法尼亚大学各自超高净值校友人数的两倍多。

The ultra–high-net-worth individual is defined as having a net worth in excess of $30 million.超高净值人士的是指那些净资产超过3000万美元的人群。


而在亚太地区的榜单上,清华、北大分列第二和第三。排名第一的是新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)。

Tsinghua University and Peking University have Asia-Pacific's second- and third-largest UHNW alumni graduates, according to the report.清华大学和北京大学拥有亚太地区第二和第三多的超高净值校友。

The National University of Singapore occupies the top spot in the region.新加坡国立大学排在该地区的榜首。


The known UHNW alumni graduates and wealth of Tsinghua University are 74 and $103 billion, while those of Peking University are 67 and $116 billion.清华大学已知超高净值校友为74人,财富达1030亿美元,北京大学拥有已知超高净值校友67人,总财富达1160亿美元。

规模裁员和失业风险预警机制 early warning mechanism for large-scale layoffs and unemployment risks

China has unveiled measures to stabilize the job market, with steps to establish an early warning mechanism for large-scale layoffs and unemployment risks amid mounting downward pressure on the economy.


More than 7.37 million urban jobs were created in the first half of the year-two-thirds of the annual target-according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.


此次国务院常务会议就下一步就业工作提出了工作要点,如采取更有力措施稳增长(stabilize growth)、助创业(promote entrepreneurship)。

It also called for stronger efforts to break barriers hindering the development of market entities and to create more jobs. Employment in labor-intensive sectors must be closely monitored, and an early warning mechanism for large-scale layoffs and unemployment risks will be established.


6月份,全国城镇调查失业率(surveyed unemployment rate)为5.1%。二季度末,全国城镇登记失业率(registered urban unemployment rate)为3.61%。

在今年3月份的政府工作报告(government work report)中,李克强总理表示,“就业优先政策要全面发力”(pursue an employment-first policy with full force)。在职业技能提升方面,人社部副部长汤涛日前在国新办吹风会上表示,已确定拿出1000亿元,用于职工技能提升和转岗转业培训(upgrading their skills or switching jobs or industries),今年补贴性培训规模将在1500万人次以上;今年高职院校大规模扩招100万人,将大幅增加中央财政对高职院校的投入,以实现经济迈向高质量发展。

人社部就业促进司司长张莹7月25日在人社部新闻发布会上表示,人社部将“稳定就业增长”作为下一步就业工作的首要目标,鼓励企业不裁员(avoid laying off workers)、少裁员(reduce the number of layoffs),支持企业吸纳就业。

大练兵 mass drill

The Shenzhen police force carried out a mass drill on Tuesday as it ramps up efforts to ensure public security for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.



A total of 12,000 policemen, as well as 50 armored vehicles, 200 emergency unit vehicles, 1,200 motorcycles, five helicopters, eight vessels and two amphibious cars, participated in the exercise.


The drill covers anti-terrorism exercises, joint air and sea patrols and anti-riot exercises.行动中,深圳市公安机关展开了反恐处突、海空联合巡逻、防暴等三个科目的演练。

Chen Bin, deputy head of the security and patrol unit at the Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau, said ensuring social order and public security in Shenzhen is of great importance for Guangdong province and also the whole country.深圳市公安局治安巡警支队副支队长陈斌表示,保障深圳社会秩序和公共安全对于广东省乃至全国而言都相当重要。

外籍教师 foreign teachers


The notice was issued after the department received a growing number of complaints from parents that some foreign teachers in some training agencies were not qualified, and a few of them were tourists.




The Guangdong Provincial Department of Education is requiring all universities, colleges, schools, kindergartens and related training agencies to check on the backgrounds and establish special files for all foreign teachers before Sept 15.广东省教育厅要求各高校、中职学校、中小学、幼儿园和相关培训机构,在9月15日前对所有外籍教师进行背景调查并建立专门文件。

The files will be sent to local departments of education, science and technology, public security and foreign experts affairs, said the notice.《通知》称,这些文件将被报送到教育厅、当地科技部门、公安部门和外专局。


All the schools and agencies are required to abide by Chinese laws and regulations in recruiting foreign teachers.所有学校和机构在招聘外籍教师时都必须遵守中国的法律法规。

None of the foreigners are allowed to be recruited as teachers before they have been granted work permits and residence permits.未取得工作许可和居留许可的外国人不得被聘用为教师。


In addition to helping foreigners apply for work permits, schools and training agencies are asked to strictly assess the foreign teachers' morality before they are hired.除了帮助外国人申请工作许可外,学校和培训机构还被要求在聘用外籍教师前对他们的师德师风进行严格评估。


退档考生 rejected students

Peking University is supposed to enroll eight impoverished students from Henan province this year. However, the university decided not to enroll the students in the seventh and eighth places because their grades, 542 and 536, respectively, were much lower than the other six students, with the student in sixth place scoring 667 in the college entrance exam. 北京大学2019年计划在河南省贫困地区专项招生8人。但是,第7名考生考分为542分,第8名考生考分为536分,远低于第6名考生的667分,因此,北京大学决定对第7名、第8名考生予以退档。


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