
首页 > 大全 > 作者:YD1662022-12-15 12:09:06

Chinese scientist Tu Youyou, winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize for the discovery of artemisinin, has been nominated for China's Medal of the Republic.因发现青蒿素而获得2015年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖的我国科学家屠呦呦入选“共和国勋章”建议名单。

Besides Tu, seven other role models have been nominated for the honor, including Zhang Fuqing, a 94-year-old war hero who served as a soldier in the Chinese People's Liberation Army during the Liberation War (1946-49) and was twice awarded the title of "Combat Hero", and Yuan Longping, a Chinese agricultural expert who is also called the "father of hybrid rice".除屠呦呦以外,入选“共和国勋章”建议名单的还有94岁的张富清以及我国农业专家、“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平等七人。张富清在解放战争的枪林弹雨中多次荣立战功,荣获“战斗英雄”称号两次。

Another 28 figures have been nominated for a national honorary title. 另有28人入选国家荣誉称号建议人选。

Among the candidates are Nan Rendong, the founding scientist of China's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST); Tung Chee-hwa, the first chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; and Cheng Kaijia, a nuclear weapons expert who participated in experiments of the country's first atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and the combination of the two bombs.其中包括500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST)工程概念提出者南仁东,香港特别行政区首位行政长官董建华,以及我国核武器事业的开拓者、参与和主持首次原子弹、氢弹试验,以及“两弹”结合飞行试验的核武器专家程开甲。


自党的十八大以来,为建立起中国特色功勋荣誉表彰体系,党中央确立了“1 1 3”的制度建设方案。即,党中央制定一个指导性文件,全国人大常委会制定一部法律,有关方面分别制定党内、国家、军队3个功勋荣誉表彰条例。


“五章”是指“共和国勋章(the Medal of the Republic)”、“七一勋章(the July 1 Medal)”、“八一勋章(the August 1 Medal)”、“友谊勋章(the Friendship Medal)”以及国家荣誉称号(national titles of honor);“一簿”是指功勋簿(Book of Merit)。

“共和国勋章(the Medal of the Republic)”

授予为党、国家和人民的事业作出巨大贡献、功勋卓著的杰出人士(those with great contributions and distinguished service for the Party, the country and the people),这是根据宪法法律规定,由全国人大常委会决定、*签发证书并颁授的国家勋章,是国家最高荣誉(the highest honor of the country)。

“七一勋章(the July 1 Medal)”

授予在中国特色社会主义伟大事业和党的建设新的伟大工程中作出杰出贡献的党员(CPC members who have made great contributions to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the construction of the CPC),这是由中共中央决定、中共中央*签发证书并颁授的党内最高荣誉(the highest honor of the CPC)。

“八一勋章(the August 1 Medal)”(于2017年7月28日首次颁授)

授予在维护国家主权、安全、发展利益,推进国防和军队现代化建设中建立卓越功勋的军队人员(servicemen and women who have strongly safeguarded the country's sovereignty, national security and benefit, and who have made outstanding contributions to the development of national defense and the modernization of the military),这是由中央军委决定、中央军委主席签发证书并颁授的军队最高荣誉(the highest honor of the military)。


“友谊勋章(the Friendship Medal)”(于2018年6月8日首次颁授)

授予为我国社会主义现代化建设和促进中外交流合作、维护世界和平作出杰出贡献的外国人(foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to China's socialist modernization drive, promoted exchange and cooperation between China and the world, and helped maintain world peace),为国家最高荣誉。


国家荣誉称号(national titles of honor)

授予在经济、社会、国防、外交、教育、科技、文化、卫生、体育等各领域各行业作出重大贡献、享有崇高声誉的杰出人士(prominent figures who have made great contributions and earned reputations in fields such as economy, society, national defense, diplomacy, education, science, culture, health and sports)。

功勋簿(Book of Merit)

为记载上述功勋荣誉获得者及其功绩(to keep a record of these medal recepients and their achievements),还专门设立了党、国家、军队功勋簿。

国庆庆祝活动 celebration events on National Day




President Xi Jinping will attend a grand gathering to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) on Oct. 1. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, will deliver an important speech at the event, said Wang Xiaohui.王晓晖介绍,10月1日,在天安门广场隆重举行庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年大会,中共中央*、*、中央军委主席*发表重要讲话。

A military parade and mass pageantry will be held following the gathering, Wang said.庆祝大会后将举行盛大的阅兵式和群众游行。


The parade will be larger than those marking the 50th and 60th anniversaries of the PRC's founding and the 70th anniversary of victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45) in 2015.相比庆祝建国50周年、60周年阅兵和纪念抗战胜利70周年阅兵,这次阅兵的规模要大一些。

The Tian'anmen Square parade will debut advanced weapons and equipment, he said, adding that all equipment displayed is domestically developed and in service. It will consist of square formations of marching soldiers from different forces and types of vehicles and equipment as well as air formations.此次天安门阅兵将分为徒步方队、装备方队和空中梯队。其中,装备方队的受阅装备全部为国产现役装备,不少先进武器装备是首次亮相。



10月1日,以中共中央、全国人大常委会、国务院、全国政协、中央军委名义在北京天安门广场隆重举行庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年大会(a grand gathering to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China),中共中央*、*、中央军委主席*发表重要讲话。庆祝大会后,将举行盛大的阅兵式(military parade)和群众游行(mass pageantry)。


10月1日晚,在北京天安门广场举办首都国庆联欢活动(a grand evening gala in Tian'anmen Square)。党和国家*同首都各界代表一起联欢并观看文艺演出和焰火表演(watch performances and a fireworks show)。


在人民大会堂举行隆重颁授仪式,对在中国特色社会主义建设和保卫国家中作出重大贡献、建立卓越功勋、道德品质高尚、群众公认的杰出人士,在中国社会主义现代化建设和促进中外交流合作、维护世界和平中作出杰出贡献的外国人,在各领域各行业作出重大贡献、享有崇高声誉、道德品质高尚、群众公认的杰出人士,分别授予“共和国勋章”(the Medals of the Republic)、“友谊勋章”(Medals of Friendship)和国家荣誉称号(national titles of honor)。中华人民共和国主席*将亲自颁授勋章、奖章,签发证书。


9月30日烈士纪念日(Martyrs' Day),在北京天安门广场人民英雄纪念碑(the Monument to the People's Heroes)前,举行向人民英雄敬献花篮仪式(present flowers to deceased national heroes),缅怀英雄烈士。党和国家*和首都各界群众代表参加。


以中华人民共和国主席*名义,在人民大会堂举办盛大国庆招待会(National Day reception),中共中央*、*、中央军委主席*发表重要讲话。


在人民大会堂举办庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年文艺晚会(an evening gala featuring music and dance),这次晚会将以大型音乐舞蹈史诗形式呈现,名称叫《奋斗吧 中华儿女》。


9月起,在北京展览馆举办庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年大型成就展(a large-scale exhibition on the achievements of the PRC in the past seven decades)。


以中共中央、国务院、中央军委名义,向中华人民共和国成立前参加工作的、健在的老战士老同志(living veterans and comrades who participated in the work on the revolution before the founding of the PRC),中华人民共和国成立后获得国家级表彰奖励及以上荣誉并健在的人员(living individuals who received honors and awards at the State level and above after the founding of the PRC),中华人民共和国成立后因参战荣立一等功以上奖励并健在的军队人员(含退役军人)(living service personnel and veterans who received honors above the first-class merit citation for fighting wars after the founding of the PRC)以及为中华人民共和国成立作出杰出贡献的国际友人(foreign friends who have made outstanding contributions to the founding of the PRC),颁发“庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年”纪念章(medals in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the PRC)。


以中华人民共和国成立70年来取得的辉煌成就为主要内容,制作播出大型文献专题片(documentary on the achievements of the PRC in the past seven decades),国庆前夕在中央电视台一套黄金时间播出。同时,我们还将推出一批庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年、具有较高思想艺术水平的戏剧、音乐、舞蹈、美术等各类优秀文艺作品(outstanding works of art in traditional opera, music, dance and fine art),展映一批重点主题电影和电视剧,推出一批重点出版物。


以庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年为题材,发行一套纪念币和一套纪念邮票(commemorative coins and stamps)。

(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)






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