
首页 > 大全 > 作者:YD1662022-12-15 12:09:06

“Many parents are beginning to realize their children are not the only ones that cannot speak Shanghai dialect,” said principal of a dialect-oriented nursery.一家沪语早教中心的园长表示,很多家长开始意识到,不会讲上海方言的并不只有自家孩子。


Qian Jing is one parent who sends her child to one such nursery. Born and raised in Shanghai, she insisted children should speak their own dialect.钱静(音译)是土生土长的上海人,她选择把孩子送去沪语早教机构,她认为孩子们应该会说自己家乡的方言。

According to Qian, her son feels very comfortable at the center because teachers all speak the dialect. “As a local Shanghai resident, the last thing I want is to see people in Shanghai no longer speaking the dialect,” she added.她表示,自己的儿子在早教中心很适应,因为那里的老师都说方言。她说:“作为一个土生土长的上海人,我最不想看到的就是上海人不说上海话了。”


Zhang Yi, who was not a native but later moved to Shanghai, said the exact reason she sent her daughter here is because it uses Shanghai dialect as the language of instruction.张逸(音译)是移居上海的外地人,她说她选择让女儿去这个早教机构的原因恰恰就是因为他们提供纯沪语教学。

For Zhang, learning the dialect can also heighten a sense of belonging. “When you get familiar with the dialect, you will feel more involved as part of the city,” she said.对她来说,学习上海话同时还能增加归属感。“你熟悉了这个语言后就会觉得跟这个城市更加亲近了。”

校闹 acts that disrupt school order

为贯彻落实全国教育大会精神,依法治理“校闹”,教育部、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、司法部联合印发《关于完善安全事故处理机制 维护学校教育教学秩序的意见》(以下简称《意见》),构建了治理“校闹”的制度体系,保障学校安心办学。

Acts that disrupt school order have put undue pressure on schools which might thereafter refrain from normal physical education, extra-curricular activities, and scolding students. This has affected quality education and the education environment, and must be resolved with greater efforts.因为“校闹”的存在,学校承担了不应当承担的责任和压力,导致一些学校不敢正常开展体育教学、课外活动,不敢正常批评教育学生,干扰了素质教育的实施,影响了良好教育生态的形成,必须下大力气予以解决。


(1)殴打他人(assaulting people)、故意伤害他人或者故意损毁公私财物的(intentionally hurting someone or damaging public or private properties);

(2)侵占、毁损学校房屋、设施设备的(damaging or occupying school facilities);

(3)在学校设置障碍(setting up barricades on campus)、贴报喷字(putting up defamatory posters)、拉挂横幅(putting up banners)、燃放鞭炮(setting off firecrackers)、播放哀乐(playing funeral music)、摆放花圈(laying wreath)、泼洒污物(pouring sewage)、断水断电(cutting electricity and water supplies)、堵塞大门、围堵办公场所和道路的(blocking school gates and buildings);

(4)在学校等公共场所停放尸体的(placing corpse on campus or at public places);

(5)以不准离开工作场所等方式非法限制学校教职工、学生人身自由的(illegally restricting personal freedom of teachers and students);

(6)跟踪、纠缠学校相关负责人(stalking school officials),侮辱、恐吓教职工、学生的(intimidating and insulting students and teachers);

(7)携带易燃易爆危险物品和管制器具进入学校的(bringing hazardous materials or tools to school);

(8)其他扰乱学校教育教学秩序或侵害他人人身财产权益的行为(other acts that disrupt school order or infringe personal and property rights and interests)。


Government officials, organizations or individuals should not interfere in dispute settlement procedures to quiet down the situation by forcing the school to shoulder more responsibility and provide quick compensation, the guideline said.为避免政府领导出于息事宁人的考虑,片面加重学校责任,明确规定任何组织和个人不得非法干涉纠纷处理。责任明确前,学校不得赔钱息事。

People should resort to legal means - such as consultation, meditation and lawsuits - to resolve disputes, it said. The school should make compensation in accordance with law if it is held accountable after investigation.


《哪吒》“出海” overseas release




《复联4》的两位导演@罗素兄弟 特意发微博表示祝贺:

Congratulations to the incredibly talented director Jiaozi@饺子导演 on the amazing success of Ne Zha. Many, many congratulations to you on the new record! We'll definitely be seeing Ne Zha in theaters on 8.29. P.S. Ne Zha, a boy or girl?《哪吒》表现优异,祝贺才华横溢的@饺子导演。对你们的新纪录表示热烈祝贺!8月29号《哪吒》(在北美)上映的时候,我们一定会去看的。PS,哪吒是男孩还是女孩?

The Chinese animated film continued to lead the domestic box office on Tuesday, grossing a total of over 4.2 billion yuan, in 26 days since its debut. And now "Ne Zha" is ready to hit overseas cinemas.8月21日,该动画电影持续领跑国内电影票房,上映26天以来总票房超过42亿元。现在,《哪吒》准备在海外院线上映了。


影片在影院全面放映一般叫theatrical release或者general release,用动词形式表达就可以用上面句子里用到的hit cinemas,但是有些影片在正式全面上映之前会选择部分城市的部分影院进行“点映”(preview),为的是营造口碑,推动票房销售。


The film will hit cinemas in Australia on Friday and in New Zealand on August 29. 《哪吒》将于8月23日登陆澳大利亚,8月29日在新西兰全面上映。

8月18日,美国电影公司Well Go USA官方微博宣布,《哪吒之魔童降世》确认在北美上映。

American film distributor Well Go USA has also confirmed that the highest-earning animated film ever in China will be released in North America, first in IMAX 3D on August 29 and on general release on Sept 6.美国电影公司Well Go USA也确认,这部票房最高的国产动画电影将在北美上映。8月29日IMAX 3D版,9月6日全面上映。

The film's run in Chinese theaters has been extended by a month to September 26.该片在国内的放映时间已经延长一个月至9月26日。

人格权 personality rights



In the second version of the draft, personal information included an individual's name, birthdate, identity card number, fingerprints, home address and phone number.草案二审稿规定的个人信息的范围包括自然人的姓名、出生日期、身份证件号码、个人生物识别信息、住址、电话号码等。

Email addresses and information about a person's whereabouts will be considered personal information under the latest draft section on personal rights in the civil code.民法典人格权编草案三审稿将个人的电子邮箱地址和行踪信息纳入个人信息范围。

三审稿还明确“个人信息的处理”包括“个人信息的使用、加工、传输、提供、公开等(use, processing, transmission, supply and disclosure of personal information)”。

对于何为人格权以及隐私的定义(definitions of personality rights and privacy),草案三审稿进一步明确并完善,规定:

人格权(personality rights)是民事主体享有的生命权、身体权、健康权、姓名权、名称权、肖像权、名誉权、隐私权(rights of one's life, human body, health, name,identity, image, reputation and privacy)等权利。

将隐私的定义修改为“自然人不愿为他人知晓的私密空间、私密活动和私密信息等(the private space, activity or information that a person does not want others to know)”,并增加规定:任何组织或者个人不得搜查、进入、窥视、拍摄他人的宾馆房间等私密空间(no organization or individual could search, enter, peer into or shoot others' private space, such as hotel rooms)。

贷款市场报价利率 loan prime rate(LPR)

The People's Bank of China (PBOC) announced Sunday that it will replace the loan benchmark interest rate with the loan prime rate (LPR) as a benchmark for setting the interest rate of newly issued commercial individual housing loans.8月25日,中国人民银行宣布新发放商业性个人住房贷款利率的定价基准将由贷款基准利率变换为贷款市场报价利率。


贷款市场报价利率(loan prime rate,简称LPR)是指由各报价行根据其对最优质客户执行的贷款利率(lending rates for their best customers),按照公开市场操作利率加点形成的方式报价(submit their LPR quotations based on what they have bid for PBOC liquidity in open market operations),由中国人民银行授权全国银行间同业拆借中心(National Interbank Loans Center)计算得出并发布的利率。

目前,商业银行实行的存贷款利率是根据央行公布的存贷款基准利率(benchmark deposit and lending rate)制定的。

Starting from Oct. 8, the interest rate of newly issued commercial individual housing loans will be based on lastest month's LPR of the corresponding term, while certain basis points will be added, the PBOC said in a statement. Housing loan contracts already inked or in implementation will not be affected by the new rules.央行发布的公告表示,自10月8日起,新发放商业性个人住房贷款利率以最近一个月相应期限的贷款市场报价利率(LPR)为定价基准加点形成。存量个人住房贷款利率不受新政影响。

定价基准转换后,全国范围内新发放首套个人住房贷款利率不得低于相应期限LPR(the housing loan interest rate for first-time buyers should not be lower than the LPR of the corresponding term),按8月20日5年期以上LPR计算为4.85%;二套个人住房贷款利率不得低于相应期限LPR加60个基点(按8月20日5年期以上LPR计算为5.45%),与当前我国个人住房贷款实际最低利率水平基本相当(at the same level of the current lowest personal mortgage loan rate)。

公告表示,人民银行省一级分支机构应按照“因城施策”原则,在国家统一的信贷政策基础上,根据当地房地产市场形势变化,确定辖区内首套和二套商业性个人住房贷款利率加点下限(a basis point addition floor will be decided based on the development of local property markets)。银行业金融机构应根据加点下限合理确定每笔贷款的具体加点数值。

Interest rate policies for individual housing loans via one's housing provident fund will stay unchanged.公积金个人住房贷款利率政策暂不调整。

央行有关负责人表示,这一调整是为了落实好“房子是用来住的,不是用来炒的(housing is for living in, not for speculation)”定位和房地产市场长效管理机制(a long-term management mechanism for the real estate market),确保定价基准平稳有序转换,维护借贷双方合法权益。

新设自贸试验区 new pilot FTZs



Setting up new pilot FTZs is "a major decision by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council and a strategic move to advance reform and opening-up in the new era," the plan said.方案指出,新设自由贸易试验区是党中央、国务院作出的重大决策,是新时代推进改革开放的战略举措。

This will bring the total number of the country's pilot FTZs to 18, which serve as pioneers of the country's reform and opening-up as they test new styles of foreign investment management, trade facilitation and transformation of government functions to better integrate the economy with international practices.自由贸易试验区是我国改革开放的先锋,是新型外商投资管理、贸易便利化以及政府职能转变的试验田,以便让我国的经济更好地与国际惯例接轨。至此,我国自由贸易试验区总数将达到18个。


山东自贸试验区围绕加快推进新旧发展动能接续转换、发展海洋经济,形成对外开放新高地,提出了培育贸易新业态新模式(nurture new businesses)、加快发展海洋特色产业(develop the marine economy)和探索中日韩三国地方经济合作(explore China-Japan-Republic of Korea economic cooperation at the sub-national level)等方面的具体举措。

江苏自贸试验区围绕打造开放型经济发展先行区(pioneer in open economy development)、实体经济创新发展(innovative development of real economy)和产业转型升级示范区(demonstration zone for industrial tranformation and upgrade),提出了提高境外投资合作水平、强化金融对实体经济的支撑和支持制造业创新发展(support innovation and development of the manufacturing industry)等方面的具体举措。

广西自贸试验区围绕建设西南中南西北出海口、面向东盟的国际陆海贸易新通道(new channel for international land-sea trade targeting ASEAN),形成21世纪海上丝绸之路和丝绸之路经济带有机衔接的重要门户,提出了畅通国际大通道、打造对东盟合作先行先试示范区(pilot zone of cooperation with the ASEAN region)和打造西部陆海联通门户港等方面的具体举措。

河北自贸试验区围绕建设国际商贸物流重要枢纽(key hub for international trade and logistics)、新型工业化基地、全球创新高地和开放发展先行区,提出了支持开展国际大宗商品贸易(international commodity trade)、支持生物医药与生命健康产业开放发展(the opening up of biomedicine- and healthcare-related industries)等方面的具体举措。

云南自贸试验区围绕打造“一带一路”和长江经济带互联互通的重要通道(build an important channel of connectivity for the Belt and Road and the Yangtze River economic belt),建设连接南亚东南亚大通道的重要节点,推动形成我国面向南亚东南亚辐射中心、开放前沿,提出了创新沿边跨境经济合作模式(innovate modes of cross-border economic cooperation)和加大科技领域国际合作力度等方面的具体举措。

黑龙江自贸试验区围绕深化产业结构调整(deepen industrial structure adjustment),打造对俄罗斯及东北亚区域合作的中心枢纽,提出了加快实体经济转型升级、推进创新驱动发展和建设面向俄罗斯及东北亚的交通物流枢纽(build a transportation and logistics hub to facilitate cooperation with Russia and Northeast Asia)等方面的具体举措。

方案强调,自贸试验区建设过程中,要强化底线思维和风险意识,完善风险防控和处置机制(improve mechanism of risk control and response),实现区域稳定安全高效运行,切实维护国家安全和社会安全(safeguard national and social security)。充分发挥地方和部门积极性,抓好各项改革试点任务落实,高标准高质量建设自贸试验区(build high-quality free trade pilot zones with high standards)。

新版语文教材 new Chinese textbooks


"The new Chinese textbooks boast a selection of 67 classic works of ancient poetry and prose that account for 49.3 percent of all articles," said Wen Rumei, editor-in-chief of the new Chinese textbooks, at a press conference held by the Ministry of Education (MOE) on Tuesday.普通高中语文教材总主编温儒敏介绍,新的统编语文教材中,共选入古代诗文67篇(首),占全部课文数的49.3%。



据悉,语文新教材精选了反映中华优秀传统文化的经典名篇(classic articles featuring traditional Chinese culture),从古风、民歌(folk music)、绝句(quatrains)、律诗(metrical verse)到词曲,从诸子散文到历史散文(proses),从两汉论文、魏晋辞赋到唐宋明清古文,从文言小说(classical novels)到白话小说(vernacular novels),均有呈现。

The textbook puts special emphasis on China's revolutionary history, including five articles written by late Chinese leader Mao Zedong and five articles by prominent modern Chinese writer Lu Xun, who was a leading figure in the New Culture Movement in the 1910s, Wen said.温儒敏表示,语文教材选取反映革命历史的作品,其中包括*的5篇(首)文章,以及上世纪初“新文化运动”先锋鲁迅的5篇文章。

It also includes more than 10 foreign classic articles as well as those reflecting China's achievements, he added.教材也选入了十多篇外国文学文化经典作品,以及反映我国发展成就的作品。


共和国勋章 the Medal of the Republic

今年是中华人民共和国成立70周年,党中央决定,首次开展国家勋章(the Medal of the Republic)和国家荣誉称号(national titles of honor)集中评选颁授,隆重表彰一批为新中国建设和发展作出杰出贡献的功勋模范人物。






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