
首页 > 大全 > 作者:YD1662022-12-15 12:09:06

The university said it decided not to enroll the two students because "it would be hard for them to complete their studies as their grades were considerably lower than their peers".


The university decided to replace the two students, who put Peking University as their first preference in the gaokao application, with other two students who put it as their second preference, but with much higher grades, both achieving 671.对这两名第一志愿考生退档后,北京大学录取了两名第二志愿考生,分数均为671分。


The university admitted malpractice in student enrollment in the national college entrance exam, or gaokao, on Sunday and decided to re-enroll two students it previously dropped because their grades were considerably lower than others, it said in a statement.



为了缩小城乡教育差距(narrow the gap between urban and rural schools),促进教育公平,我国教育部在高考录取中实施三个专项计划,分别为:国家专项计划、地方专项计划和高校专项计划。

国家专项计划(National Special Program)定向招收贫困地区学生(students in poverty-stricken areas)。招生学校为中央部门所属高校和各省(区、市)所属重点高校,实施区域为集中连片特殊困难县、国家级扶贫开发重点县以及新疆南疆四地州。

地方专项计划(Local Special Program)定向招收各省(区、市)实施区域的农村学生。招生学校为各省(区、市)所属重点高校,具体实施区域、报考条件由各省(区、市)根据本地实际情况确定,实施区域要对本省(区、市)民族自治县实现全覆盖。

高校专项计划(Special Program for Colleges and Universities)定向招收边远、贫困、民族等地区(remote, impoverished and ethnic regions)县(含县级市)以下高中勤奋好学、成绩优良的农村学生。招生学校为教育部直属高校和其他自主招生试点高校,具体实施区域由有关省(区、市)确定。

According to the Ministry of Education, a total of 370,000 students from impoverished regions were admitted by China's 140 top universities, and 103,800 students were admitted to these universities in 2018.教育部的信息显示,共有37万名来自贫困地区的考生通过专项计划被我国140所高校录取,其中2018年录取的考生为10.38万人。

禁带食品入园政策 no-outside-food-and-drink policy


The suit was brought by a junior, surnamed Wang, from East China University of Political Science and Law after she was told by park security to either throw away the snacks she had brought in her backpack or finish them. In order to get into the park, she finished some snacks and discarded the rest, following a series of failed attempts to resist, including oral disputes with security and phone calls to the police and to the municipal's official complaint hotlines, according to thePaper.cn.据澎湃新闻报道,这起诉讼由华东政法大学一名大三学生小王发起。她在进入园区之前被保安告知,需将背包中携带的零食丢弃或吃掉。她与工作人员据理力争,后来拨打电话报警,并现场拨投诉热线进行投诉均未果之后,她吃掉一部分零食并丢弃一部分后,得以进入园区。


小王认为迪士尼乐园制定的规则侵犯了自身合法权益,提起诉讼,向法院提出了两点诉讼请求: 一、确认上海迪士尼乐园禁止游客携带食品入园的格式条款无效(overturn the no-outside-food-and-drink policy);二、要求上海迪士尼乐园赔偿原告损失(compensate her loss),包括原告在迪士尼乐园外购买却因被告不合理规则而被迫丢弃的食品费用,共计46.3元。

最终,浦东法院以“服务合同纠纷(service contract dispute)”为案由立案。4月23日,该案第一次开庭审理。

小王及其同学小杨、小张、小魏向记者表示,“之前最高院表示过餐饮行业禁止自带酒水食物是霸王条款(imparity clause),实践中也有法院判决过电影院禁止自带食物的条款无效,我们认为迪士尼的规定与之相似,侵犯了消费者的权益(infringe consumer rights and interests)。很多人可能也感到自己的权益受到了侵犯,但是由于时间成本等问题而没有去起诉,而我们作为法学生,‘较劲’是我们的‘天职’。”上海迪士尼乐园的管理方上海迪士尼度假区11日回应称,上海迪士尼乐园关于外带食品与饮料入园的规定与中国的大部分主题乐园一致( the "no outside food and beverage" rule is consistent with many other theme parks across China)。若游客自己携带食品或饮料,欢迎游客在乐园外的休息区域享用(guests are welcome to enjoy their own food and beverages outside the park)。

2017年11月15日,上海迪士尼乐园在乐园须知一栏新增规定,“食品(food);酒精饮料(alcoholic beverages);超过 600 毫升的非酒精饮料(nonalcoholic beverages over 600 milliliters)。建议游客在入园前享用完携带的上述食品及非酒精饮料。”

Globally, three out of the six Disneyland parks are open to food and drinks from beyond its services, while the three in Asia - Tokyo, Hong Kong and Shanghai - carry a no-outside-food-and-drink policy.在全球六家迪士尼乐园中,有三家对外带食品饮料没有限制,而东京、香港和上海三家位于亚洲的迪士尼乐园均执行禁止携带食品饮料入园的规定。




Although Shanghai Disney claims the food ban is due to hygiene reasons, that did not stop Chinese net users from speculating that Disney is applying double standards in Asia and forcing tourists to buy their food. 尽管上海迪士尼宣称订立此规则是出于卫生原因,此举还是引发了网友的热议,人们不禁怀疑迪士尼是否针对亚洲存在“双标”行为,且强迫游客购买园内食物。

Some argue that the food and beverages supplied within the park are overpriced, making the motivation behind the policy appear dubious.有网友认为园区内提供的食物饮料标价过高,其禁带饮食规则背后的动机值得怀疑。


"Disney has infringed on tourists' right of choice. As a US company, it is improper to apply a double standard on Asian countries," Liu Junhai, a business law professor at Renmin University of China in Beijing told the Global Times on Sunday.


人造肉 lab-grown meat

Mooncakes filled with lab-grown meat will go on sale in China for the first time in September.今年9月,“人造肉”馅儿的月饼将在我国首次上市销售。


人造肉,在英语里的叫法有lab-grown meat,cultured meat、slaughter-free meat以及clean meat等,从名字可以看出,这种肉并不是通过大规模饲养动物并宰*来获取肉类产品,而是在实验室里利用植物蛋白(vegetable protein)或动物干细胞(animal stem cells)制造出的肉。



中国肉类研究中心副总工程师臧明伍介绍,用植物蛋白做“人造肉”是目前国际上相对普遍的方法之一:“它的来源就是植物蛋白,但是有一点不一样,就是从植物中提取了一些血红蛋白(hemoglobin),让口味和外观看起来比较接近真肉(to make it taste and look like real meat)。”

Researchers have been working to reduce the unpleasant smell of vegetable protein and make the vegan product taste like real meat, said Li Jian, an associate professor at the School of Food and Chemical Engineering at Beijing Technology and Business University, who is leading the team making the meat substitute.带领“人造肉”实验团队的北京工商大学食品与健康学院副教授李健表示,研究人员一直在研究去除植物蛋白的异味问题,使植物人造肉味道更接近真肉。

植物肉初创品牌创始人吕中茗介绍,今年推出的第一款产品就是仿老上海鲜肉月饼的植物“人造肉”月饼(mooncakes stuffed with lab-grown meat),并表示,“让老上海人拿我们的产品跟真正的鲜肉月饼对比,很多人都分不清楚。”

李健在接受记者采访时表示,“人造肉”面临的最大挑战是怎样研发出适合中国人口味的人造肉食品(lab-grown meat that caters to Chinese taste),首先要实现的是饺子、肉丸等碎肉产品,继而研制出完全模拟牛排、排骨、红烧肉等人造肉产品。

《上海堡垒》 Shanghai Fortress

自称花了5年时间筹备、斥资3.6亿的《上海堡垒》(Shanghai Fortress)自8月9日上映以来票房口碑双双溃败。目前,该片在豆瓣的评分已经降至3.2分。


Shanghai Fortress, which has seen its score falling to 3.2 points out of ten on the reviewing site Douban, has been criticized fiercely online.《上海堡垒》被网友批得体无完肤。豆瓣评分一路下跌,目前仅3.2分。


It doesn’t just show dissatisfaction with the film,” Teng wrote. “It also shows a loss of hope in Chinese sci-fi. As the director, I’m inescapably responsible for this, and I’m truly sorry.”滕华涛写道:这不仅仅是对电影不满意,也是对中国科幻电影的期待落空了。作为导演,我有着不可推卸的责任,真的很抱歉。”


A similar statement on Sina Weibo came from novelist, and the film's scriptwriter, Yang Zhi, better known by his pseudonym Jiang Nan: "To those who don't like the film, I am sorry that it didn't live up to your expectations."江南在微博中写道:“致歉于那些不喜欢电影的朋友,辜负了你的等待。”

记得年初,《流浪地球》(The Wandering Earth)势如破竹的时候,中国电影人都很兴奋。“中国科幻元年”终于到来的呼声不绝于耳。


Here are the elements that paved a solid ground for the soaring success of The Wandering Earth: Director Guo Fan is a diehard sci-fi fan; the script was adapted from top sci-fi novelist Liu Cixin's eponymous work and its lead star, Wu Jing, is a box office draw who mostly plays tough guys on screen, matching the persona of the astronaut who sacrifices his life to save the Earth in the movie. 《流浪地球》的“原生”优势在于:导演郭帆是铁杆科幻迷;剧本有着“中国当代科幻第一人”刘慈欣的原著托底;主演吴京自《战狼2》后,堪称“票房吉祥物”,而且他的银幕硬汉形象,也和片中殉道式牺牲的宇航员契合。

But The Wandering Earth has become a game changer, making people highly anticipate Shanghai Fortress, which was produced almost in the same time period as The Wandering Earth. And, the creators behind Shanghai Fortress had worked hard.《上海堡垒》从选角到拍摄,其实和《流浪地球》差不多同时期。这部在网上口碑饱受争议的影片据说也是努力过的。


He spent six years on the production, with one-and-a-half years on special effects. Teng once said that he believed shooting big-budget films with a lot of visual effects will be the mainstream in the future, so he wanted to be on board. However, he is obviously incompetent.他用了六年制作,一年半花在特效上。他曾经表示,视觉特效丰富的大成本影片未来有可能成为全球电影市场的“主流”,他希望自己也能成为这股“洪流”的一部分。然而,他显然功力不够。



In the original story, the protagonist, Jiang Yang, who is played by Lu, and Lin Lan, played by Shu, are respectively 22 and 23 years old. This age gap makes it easier to shape a convincing romance. But Lu is 14 years younger than Shu, and both fail to create appealing chemistry on the big screen.原著中,男女主人公江洋和林澜的年龄设定,分别是22岁和23岁。这样的年龄差,是可以让人信服他们之间的朦胧爱意。但差了14岁的鹿晗和舒淇,却无论如何撑不起这样的银幕CP感。


Considering there have already been so many excellent Hollywood films depicting alien creatures, it's easy to understand why Chinese audiences are not satisfied with the look of the hunters from the Delta civilization in Shanghai Fortress.在内地观众被好莱坞科幻大片熏陶了这么多年之后,什么样的外星怪物没见过。《上海堡垒》中“德尔达文明”捕食者们的造型和作战方式,还真是有点平平无奇。


Actually, there are two main subgenres of sci-fi productions, respectively dubbed soft sci-fi and hard sci-fi. A love story can shape a wonderful sci-fi story, such as The Time Traveler's Wife, but the storyline in Shanghai Fortress — which was supposed to be a heartbreaking romance amid turbulence — is told in a poorly made narrative, failing to touch the audience.本来,科幻就分“软科幻”和“硬科幻”两种。《时间旅行者的妻子》就是一个软科幻爱情故事,令人唏嘘不已。但《上海堡垒》却没能用科幻的概念,撑起一个乱世中难以保全的爱情。

西部陆海新通道 new western land-sea corridor

China has released an overall plan about the country's new western land-sea corridor to deepen the sea-land two-way opening-up and the development of western China, according to the National Development and Reform Commission. The plan covers the period from 2019 to 2025 with an outlook extended to 2035.国家发展改革委印发《西部陆海新通道总体规划》,深化陆海双向开放、推进西部大开发。规划期为2019年至2025年,展望到2035年。

西部陆海新通道(new western land-sea corridor)位于我国西部地区腹地(the hinterlands of the western regions),北接丝绸之路经济带(the Silk Road Economic Belt),南连21世纪海上丝绸之路(the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road),协同衔接长江经济带(the Yangtze River economic belt),在区域协调发展格局中具有重要战略地位。

规划明确了西部陆海新通道的战略定位:推进西部大开发形成新格局的战略通道(strategic corridor to bring about a new pattern of western development);连接“一带”和“一路”的陆海联动通道(a sea-land link between the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road);支撑西部地区参与国际经济合作的陆海贸易通道(a land-sea trade link to support the western regions in participating in international economic cooperation);促进交通物流经济深度融合的综合运输通道(an all-round transportation channel to promote the deep integration of transportation, logistics and the economy)。


建设自重庆经贵阳、南宁至北部湾出海口(北部湾港、洋浦港),自重庆经怀化、柳州至北部湾出海口,以及自成都经泸州(宜宾)、百色至北部湾出海口三条通路,共同形成西部陆海新通道的主通道(main corridor)。

核心覆盖区(core areas)包括贵阳、南宁、昆明、遵义、柳州等西南地区重要节点城市和物流枢纽(key logistics hubs);

辐射延展带(extended areas)则联通到兰州、西宁、乌鲁木齐、西安、银川等西北重要城市。


到2020年,一批重大铁路、物流枢纽等项目开工建设(a bunch of railway and logistics projects are under way),陆海新通道对西部大开发的支撑作用开始显现。

到 2025 年,经济、高效、便捷、绿色、安全的西部陆海新通道(build an economical, efficient, convenient, green and safe land-sea corridor for the western region)基本建成,一批重大铁路项目建成投产,主要公路瓶颈路段全面打通。

到 2035 年,西部陆海新通道全面建成(the new land-sea corridor will be fully completed)。

中国特色社会主义先行示范区 the pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics


The building of the pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics will help deepen reform and expand opening-up comprehensively, according to the document. It is also conducive to the implementation of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area plan and the fulfillment of the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.意见指出,建设中国特色社会主义先行示范区有利于形成全面深化改革、全面扩大开放新格局;有利于更好实施粤港澳大湾区战略,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦提供有力支撑。


——高质量发展高地(leading player in high-quality development)。深化供给侧结构性改革,实施创新驱动发展战略,建设现代化经济体系,在构建高质量发展的体制机制上走在全国前列。

——法治城市示范(example of law-based governance)。全面提升法治建设水平,用法治规范政府和市场边界,营造稳定公平透明、可预期的国际一流法治化营商环境。

——城市文明典范(model of urban civilization)。践行社会主义核心价值观,构建高水平的公共文化服务体系和现代文化产业体系,成为新时代举旗帜、聚民心、育新人、兴文化、展形象的引领者。

——民生幸福标杆(good example of people's livelihood and happiness)。构建优质均衡的公共服务体系,建成全覆盖可持续的社会保障体系,实现幼有善育、学有优教、劳有厚得、病有良医、老有颐养、住有宜居、弱有众扶。

——可持续发展先锋(pioneer in sustainable development)。牢固树立和践行绿水青山就是金山银山的理念,打造安全高效的生产空间、舒适宜居的生活空间、碧水蓝天的生态空间,在美丽湾区建设中走在前列,为落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程提供中国经验。


到2025年,深圳经济实力、发展质量跻身全球城市前列(become one of the leading cities in the world in terms of economic strength and quality of development),研发投入强度(research and development input)、产业创新能力(industrial innovation capacity)世界一流,文化软实力大幅提升(cultural power greatly enhanced),公共服务水平(quality of its public service)和生态环境质量(ecological environment)达到国际先进水平,建成现代化国际化创新型城市(a modern, international and innovative city)。

到2035年,深圳高质量发展成为全国典范(become a national model of high-quality development),城市综合经济竞争力世界领先,建成具有全球影响力的创新创业创意之都(a hub of innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity with international influence),成为我国建设社会主义现代化强国的城市范例(an example for China to build itself into a powerful modern socialist country)。

到本世纪中叶,深圳以更加昂扬的姿态屹立于世界先进城市之林,成为竞争力、创新力、影响力卓著的全球标杆城市(a global pacesetter with outstanding competitiveness, innovative capacity and influence)。


International talents with Chinese permanent residence permits will be allowed to set up sci-tech companies and act as legal representatives of scientific research institutions in Shenzhen.允许取得永久居留资格的国际人才在深圳创办科技型企业、担任科研机构法人代表。

Great efforts will be made to promote the development of emerging industries with strategic importance, and set up a prudent and inclusive supervision system with greater flexibility, the document said.


Shenzhen will also vigorously develop new industries including the intelligent economy and the health care industry, and support the research on digital currency and the application of innovations such as mobile payment.


Shenzhen will also continue to open up to Hong Kong and Macao. The country will explore the model of collaborative development by the cities and facilitate the efficient flow of personnel, capital, technology and information, it said.


The city will establish a maritime university and a national deep sea research center, and explore the establishment of a maritime development bank.


The central government will encourage Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao to jointly hold cultural and artistic activities to better preserve their cultural heritage and strengthen the sense of identity of compatriots.


上海方言早教 nursery schools using Shanghai dialect

A number of nursery schools using Shanghai dialect as their standard instructional language have emerged, becoming a new option for many Shanghai parents.最近出现了一些以上海方言为教学语言的早教机构,成为很多上海父母的新选择。






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