got off的反义词,talkoff的反义词是什么

首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-02 22:35:24

English Idioms 英文成语

1. got off on the wrong foot:刚开始就不顺利;出师不利;

英文解释:-it started badly:一开始就很糟糕;

例句:Unfortunately, my job interview got off on the wrong foot- I accidentally mixed up the company's name with that of its biggest competitor. 不幸的是,我的工作面试刚开始就不顺利——我不小心把公司的名字和它最大竞争对手的名字搞混了。

2. It really gets on my nerves :这真的让我很心烦,很恼火;

英文解释:-annoys you:让你恼火;

例句:It really gets on my nerves when my roommate borrows my clothes without asking. 我的室友不问一声就把我的衣服借走了,这真的让我很恼火。

3. had the upper hand :占了上风;

英文解释:Having the "upper hand" means having the advantage:占了“上风”,就意味着占了优势。

例句:The other team clearly had the upper hand- their players were stronger and faster. We lost the game 6-1. 对方显然占了上风——他们的队员更强壮,速度更快。我们以1比6输了这场比赛。

4. giving me the cold shoulder. 对我很冷淡;

英文解释:To "give someone the cold shoulder" means rejecting or treating rudely:“冷落某人”的意思是拒绝或不礼貌地对待。

例句:Ever since I received the promotion that Jenna was hoping to get, she's been giving me the cold shoulder. She won't even look at me during staff meetings. 自从我得到詹娜希望得到的升职机会,她就一直对我很冷淡。在员工会议上她甚至都不看我一眼。

5. dragging his feet :拖拖拉拉;

英文解释:If someone is "dragging his feet," it means he is delaying or doing something very slowly:如果某人“拖拖拉拉”,意思是他在拖延或做某件事很慢;

例句:The client is dragging his feet on giving us an answer to the proposal - we've been waiting for three weeks. It appears he's not very enthusiastic about working with our company. 客户迟迟不答复我们的建议——我们已经等了三个星期了。看来他对与我们公司合作不是很感兴趣。

6. held my tongue:忍住不说出来;什么也不说;

英文解释:To "hold your tongue" means to say nothing:“管住你的舌头”的意思是什么也不说。

例句:I knew that my friend was lying to his brother, but I held my tongue because I didn't want to get involved in a family conflict. 我知道我的朋友在对他哥哥撒谎,但我没有说出来,因为我不想卷入家庭纠纷。

got off的反义词,talkoff的反义词是什么(1)




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