
首页 > 情感 > 作者:YD1662024-07-18 04:57:17

人的一生总要靠我们每个人自己去努力书写许多不知结局是悲是喜的传奇与故事。 在这个世界上,我们都知道,几乎所有成功和优秀的人们都曾经历过令人伤心的失败,或者是正在经历着各种困难与磨难。也许我们可以用眼睛看到表面上各种各样不同的失败或挫折。但在光辉灿烂成功的背后,仍然存在着很多也许我们并没有看到过的痛苦与失望,甚至悲伤与绝望。

It always depends on each of us to try to work hard and write a lot of different legends and stories in life. In this world, we all know that almost all of the outstanding people have experienced some failures or are experiencing some setbacks now. Maybe we can see different kinds of failures or setbacks. But there are still a lot of invisible disappointments and even despairs that we can not see with our own eyes.



Sometimes many people seem to lose courage and hope in these awful situations and terrible circumstances. However, the most excellent and outstanding persons are not willing to give up and choose to stay positive and then keep trying all the time.



Finally, they will reach their own goals and achieve their own dreams. The successful people can succeed because of their courage, persistence, confidence and enough hard work.



We believe that life is always fair. So do not panic in your hearts! There is a long period of cold silence in the life of every great person. Perhaps every successful person may be feel lonely and frustrated . Perhaps every excellent person could cry in the dark days and nights in life.


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