
首页 > 情感 > 作者:YD1662024-07-26 13:22:15






1. 当爱情走到迷茫的时候,要验证两个人是否相爱的唯一方法就是分开。分开以后,如果难受,如果思念,那就是真爱。而真爱一定会让两个人再次相遇。

When the journey of love comes to its hazy crossroads, the only way to verify whether two people are still in love is to split up. If pain and nostalgia creep up on them, that's true love. And true love will breed a second encounter.

2. 两个人散了是因为一个以为不会走,一个以为会挽留。

Two lovers split up, because one assumed the other would stay whereas one assumed the other would persuade.

3. 你们都在等,等什么?等对方先放手。

What are you waiting for? You're both awaiting the other's letting go.

4. 紫霞离开至尊宝后,至尊宝才能真正成长为孙悟空。

Only after Zi Xia Fairy left Zhi Zunbao, can Zhi Zunbao grow up into the real Monkey King.

5.There is no love in her eyes anymore, just like I never had at the start.



6. 再深的感情也抵挡不住缘分的交错。

No matter how deeply we are in love, we can't ward off the mainipulation of destiny.

7. 借吵架的壳,撒思念的娇。

You are missing each other in the name of a quarrel.

8. 我们都想要新的开始,新的生活,却忘记了他/她身边也会有新的人出现。

We are both craving for a brand-new start, a brand-new life, forgetting that new ones are coming around.

9. 人生每个不同的阶段,会有不同的人停留。总有一些人来,总会有一些人离开。

At different stages, our life is visited by different people, inevitably with someone coming, and someone leaving.

10. 不是每个人都能叫前任,而前任并非只是某个人,它是每一个走过的人在你心里留下的痕迹。

Not everyone can be called "Ex". "Ex" is not a particular person, but the trace one left.


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